I will praise the Lord, ALL the days of my life. In good and in - TopicsExpress


I will praise the Lord, ALL the days of my life. In good and in bad, He is my redeemer. Today, when coming to work, we discovered that our furnace was not working...called Debenham Electric and he sent Mike over real quick...after a few hours of working, I knew it wasnt good. Mike came and told me that there was a part that had cracked and was no longer working. He informed me that it wasnt good at all...all I could hear was the sound of my heart collapsing in discouragement. Right before the Christmas season is not the best time to have to figure out how to buy a new furnace...instead of panicking (as I so often do), I said Praise Jesus!! He will not forsake me...He knows full well how bad this is and I chose to pray and give it to God. Over the course of the afternoon, every time I was reminded at how cold it was, instead of getting upset, I just focused on Him. Steve just came in and checked the furnace for the part. He casually told me the part would be here on Friday and he would get it taken care of...I said I dont know if I can afford that right now. Surprised, he told me that the part was still under warranty and it would be taken care of...to not worry, it was covered. Just like that, my prayer was answered. Thank you, Lord. Thank you!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 23:14:53 +0000

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