I will preface this with a few facts. One of my good friends is - TopicsExpress


I will preface this with a few facts. One of my good friends is called Mark. My father also goes by the same name. I have also never met the Mother of my friend Mark. The doorbell goes and I fumble about looking for my keys and soon rush down the stairs to answer the door. I am met with a Women that I have never spoken to before and am immediately confronted with facts that dont correlate with what I understand and know, the woman speaks Is mark here, He has work tonight at 7. My Father doesnt have a job but I brush this off as an error in her speech or an error in my understanding. I notice that behind the woman my Fathers car is not in the driveway and so I jump to the conclusion that he is out getting groceries (Friday is food day). I tell the woman this and she looks at my with slight confusion. She retorts with a question Is he coming back here or is he coming home?. This conversation is now spiralling down a path of confusion for me. I ask her again thinking I must have just misheard her, this is his home. She says the exact same words and I am left with somewhat of a paradox in facts. I say with hesitation and emphasis so as to try and alleviate any misunderstanding ...hes coming back here... At this moment when I am about to ask the woman just who she is so I can maybe garner some context my dads phone rings with the familiar tone of If I were a Boy, I have no idea why that is is ring tone, I think hes just really into Beyonce or something. I answer and it is a woman from the Job centre. She assumes I am my Father as most people do over the phone. I am still standing at the door and notice as I say the words No this is his son, he is out shopping at the moment the confusion in the Womans face begins to dissipate. That should have been a dead give away but I suppose I am rather naive today. I end the call. The Woman speaks again I just realised your Dad is also called mark, Im speaking about Mark Wallace (my friend). A wave of relieve washes over me as everything in the world is right again and I can finally answer the Womans original question without confusion He left about 15 minutes ago. The Woman, who I now recognised as Mark Wallaces Mother was satisfied with that answer and promptly left. In summery, a common name threw me into a state of confusion that began to break down my very understanding of reality for a few short minutes.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:44:04 +0000

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