I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten.” – - TopicsExpress


I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten.” – Joel 2:25 This is one of the most incredible promises found in scripture. Many times because of past sin and indiscretions we promise to make it all up to God, and we promise to make amends. God tells us here that we have it all wrong. He promises us that he will make up for our destroyed years, all those years of being wasted, stripped, broken by the enemy. The Lord tells us that we cannot even repay Him for a single wasted second. He will make up our losses and those of our family. God created us for His eternal purpose. We were birthed in the redemptive blood for a satisfying life, joy unspeakable and full of His glory. But because of the sin we allowed to enter our life, His plan for us was interrupted and we spent many wasted and lost years. Just as He did in Joel, God now speaks to each and every one of us and wishes the lost years to be restored to us. How can God restore that which was lost you may ask? He will give you a life filled with joy and victory that is far beyond your own capabilities and talents. In Christ you will go father, and accomplish more than you ever imagined was possible. We can stand upright today, as if we had never sinned, as if we had lost no time, as if we were right where we would have been had the devourer never come! God puts us right back on His divine schedule. His eternal purpose and plan are right where He planned them to be. Nothing is lost! In Christ, everything is new – even the calendar. The Lord goes back to the day the locust came, sees the parts of your life that were wasted, removes them and starts you over again, filling your life with His precious blessings. In Christ, you will not ever have to say, “I regret what I missed or what I could have been”. You need not ever fill your thoughts with, “I knew what God had for me, but I blew it.” God promises that He will restore all that He intended for you. Years of total desolation. I have been there. As a young man my life came apart at the edges and pounded by the storm of my own misguided beliefs I stumbled through the pieces that became the rubble of destruction in my life. My soul felt beaten, broken, and hopeless. Society holds no honor for an ex-pastor. There is pity from one, and sorrow from another, and from a remaining few – judgment. I dealt with the shame and guilt years ago as I searched my heart and beat myself up wondering how I could have fallen away. How could I have been so self-centered and blind to just walk away? I sowed the wind of sin and reaped the whirlwind of devastation, but that storm has passed, and I now stand in the fields white with grain of the harvest of grace in my life. Christ has removed my condemning spirit of myself and allowed me to forgive and pray for those that still do it for me. It took me quite some time to recover. But He, the Faithful one in my life, has restored more than I could have ever asked for. God is working in my life. The city that I built with my hands unto myself is gone, and He is building a brand new thing. The foundation of that which Christ is building to restore my life is built with His hands, not mine. He is the cornerstone – Grace is the foundation and truth will shape the walls. Do not grow fearful and anxious as you wait for things to get better. Part of the process of God’s wondrous ability to bless our lives is you and I taking the time to slow down petition the throne of Grace and listen for His voice. As we slow down and wait on Him, we will be reminded of our complete and utter dependence on His strength. When we take the time to stop, pray; slow down and wait on Him – He will bring the resolution to our problems as and reveal His plan for our lives. The taste of restoration is sweet. There is nothing so great. Do not allow the bitter taste of past failures and defeat leave you with unresolved issues both in your mind and in your life that will weigh you down as time passes if you allow it. Give them over to God. Many times the second journey in God’s will for a person’s life is far greater than the original. God sometimes saves the best for the last as He knew we would fall, we would be finished, we would think that it would be over, but He is never done with us. Submit all to His service, and to serving Him in whatever and wherever He leads. The best is yet in store. Take those old wounds – the worries and heartaches about your wasted years, and let God restore to you the very years that were taken away. Then press on confidently in joy, He is your hope and your future. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11..... As you shout AMEN I RECEIVE RESTORATION, may God Almighty bless you, you who seek your household to be restored child of God, God bless you now and forever. Shalom!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:38:13 +0000

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