“I will show you my belief out of my works” (Jam 2:18). - TopicsExpress


“I will show you my belief out of my works” (Jam 2:18). Beloved, in the Epistle of James the Holy Spirit is dealing with those in Israel who professed to be God’s people, but were not. Temporally they were, but spiritually they were not, unless they had been born from above. Today, the context has changed but the same issue still remains—many profess to believe, but have not. Thus, the Epistle of James was written for the true children of God who are caught in the midst of the others, so that they are able to discern through the lies of this world, and thus be powerful to walk out their belief in the true knowledge of Jesus The Anointed One. Yes, this letter was written to separate God’s children from those who are not. “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Mat 7:13-14). But how do you know if you are one who has entered through the wide gate, or if you are one who has entered through the narrow gate? Understand that many proclaim to believe in Jesus, but that belief, in itself, is dead (Jam 2:17). Many who proclaim to believe in Jesus are well versed and full of biblical knowledge, but that, in itself, profits nothing and only leads to arrogance (Heb 4:2, 1Cr 8:1). Many who proclaim to believe in Jesus passionately seek to spread the good news, but that, in itself, comes with no assurance (Phil 1:15-17). And many eat everything in the name of Jesus, raise their families in the name of Jesus, give their money & time in the name of Jesus, and even work their whole lives in the name of Jesus, but that, in itself, means nothing (Mat 7:21-23). Yes, “the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it”. So how do you know if you have entered through the narrow gate unto eternal life? James 2:18—show yourself your belief, out of your works. If you believe what Jesus The Anointed One believes, live out His belief. If you believe you are alive to God and dead to sin, show yourself your belief out of your works. If you don’t understand what it means to be alive to God and dead to sin, seek to understand so that you can believe and thus show yourself your belief out of your works. If you believe Jesus is the head of all rule & authority, then may the fruit of your belief be submission to your authorities (husband, parent, boss, government, etc). If you believe that you belong to Christ, and every other child of God belongs to Christ, then may the fruit of your belief be that you no longer put yourself in between Christ and another child of God, and also, that you no longer try to put someone between you and Christ. If you believe the good news of Christ is the power of God unto salvation, then seek to master the good news of Christ so that your words can be useful to God in bringing about salvation. The one thing you cannot do Beloved, is say you believe and then have no works that reflect your belief. Everyone in this world walks out their belief every day—but you Beloved, being that you are a partner of The Anointed One and of a heavenly calling, your works ought to reflect the belief of The Anointed One in everything you say and do, because you prove to yourself your belief out of your works. Your citizenship is in heaven, may the word of The Anointed One richly dwell within you so that you may know (not hope) that you truly are walking according to the belief of the Son of God. Blessings.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 00:58:20 +0000

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