I will start off by saying that God is listening to all of our - TopicsExpress


I will start off by saying that God is listening to all of our prayers!!! We received nothing but good news today. All in all, Noahs heart is progressing just as our cardiologist is expecting it to. As of now, there is no obstruction to his pulmonary blood flow and his left ventricle has actually grown a little since his last echo 3 weeks ago (Praise God!). Both cardiology and maternal fetal medicine saw no evidence to indicate that he will have additional anatomical abnormalities or complications which can be common with his particular heart defects. Wonderful news! Fetal hearts are very complicated and some aspects of his development are difficult to see in utero. We will not know anything with absolute certainty until he is here. Another piece of great news is that our doctors currently see no reason that I will have to deliver Noah in Boston. They are extremely hopeful that he will be able to be managed medically locally for the 1st few weeks after he is born. Since all surgeries will be performed at Boston Childrens Hospital we will be going to Boston to tour the facility, meet the doctors, and have another fetal echo in a few weeks. Thank you all again for your love and support! Please keep praying for our little guy! Only 11 weeks to go until he is scheduled to arrive!!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 23:56:33 +0000

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