I will start out by saying Livi is doing great this week! 4 full - TopicsExpress


I will start out by saying Livi is doing great this week! 4 full days at school! This was almost unheard of last year. And, she just loved Piano yesterday. She was a bit nervous, but once she got home, just played her little heart out. She just loves her teacher! On another note.. It has been 6 months since I on a total whim started Livi a Facebook page. I get some criticism for exposing my child to the world. But for some reason, I feel led to tell they why behind it all. We were all snowed in and very bored last February, and we had stepped outside for a bit to play in the snow. Livi was all dressed up in her Princess Ana costume and posing for a picture in the snow, and blurted out I want to be famous, and meet famous people. Honestly, I thought nothing of it, except for the fact that I thought it was cute. Livi quite often says rather funny things, and I thought my friends might enjoy her thoughts of the day, so I posted it on my page. After a few friends had commented, and one had suggested to start her a fb page, I opened her a page. Honestly, with absolutely no expectations whatsoever. I was thinking that maybe a few hundred likes would make her happy, and that would be that. Little did I know that God had a bigger plan. In just a few days we were upwards of 40,000 followers. I was completely humbled and blown away at the support that we had received from literally the world. Many of her followers, unlike me before we entered this cancer world knew very little about both what an issue it was and how it affected these children. The more that it grew, the mission might have you changed a bit. At a few hundred, in Livis mind, her status of famous had been achieved. She was happy. But the emails began to roll in. We received messages from people who had been in our shoes. Assuring us that it would all be ok. Messages from families who had lost a child to cancer, thanking us for bringing awareness. And, messages from people whos eyes were open to what an issue it is, as well as those who draw strength from Livis. I saw that this was now a place for me to both share Livis story, where I had been using caring bridge before, and a place for me to share our testimony of Faith. We have been nothing but blessed. In all senses of the word. Livi is responding beautifully to treatment, and I have a total peace, that when she is off treatment, we will not have to face this cancer demon again. Blessed by our community, total strangers, friends and family rallying behind us and supporting us in this battle. And, God has fully blessed us, our family is stronger, as is our faith. We hope that through Livis cancer journey more awareness and support can be brought to Pediatric Cancer. I didnt start her page with the expectation of receiving anything. Yes, Livi has received some wonderfully sweet gifts from some of her followers, all of which have been so greatly appreciated. And, if for some reason I was unable to thank each person individually, it was never because they were not appreciated. We have been so so thankful for each card, message, gift and all of the many many prayers. I hope that through Livi someone else can be blessed as we have been. Would I have ever ever imagined that we would EVER be on the news?? NEVER. And the fact that I was on there, and not a bit nervous. Not in a million years. But I feel that this is the had that we were dealt, and that it is a gift, and we must be good stewards of this gift. I am thankful that you all have fallen in love with our girl, and daily keep her in your prayers. Our family is eternally grateful for each of you. I dearly hope this made sense, and I wasnt out of line in what I have said. It was just something that had been on my heart for a few days, and I felt I needed to get it out. Just please know how humbled our family is for such wonderful support.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:36:29 +0000

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