I will tell you the day I became a serious, no ifs and or buts - TopicsExpress


I will tell you the day I became a serious, no ifs and or buts about it stander. It was the day I surrendered. Not only to stand in the gap but to completely and faithfully follow God 100%. I knew a transformation was needed in my life and that my part could not begin as long as I was more concerned with my husband recognizing his part of change. Things had to be done differently and it started with me. I deactivated my Facebook. Closed every account to every discussion board I had been on. I removed my things that I had put on my husbands side of the bathroom to leave it clear for him and I bought a brand new journal to begin speaking life and not death into rather than my complaints and my criticisms. I made a decision this walk was gonna be a close-knit one. Me and God were gonna go at it and we were gonna go at it hard. Some damage was gonna be done to the enemy. It said in the word I had the power to crush serpents under my feet and I needed a crash course on how to do it. I became so immersed in the word I functioned inside of a spiritual bubble. I would wake up and could literally tell you what bondage and demonic spirit had been broken in my life and was holding me hostage no more. I was asking God to reveal to me every wrong and sin I needed cleansing of and I was looking for people to apologize to with Godly sorrow once they were revealed. There was even a sin God brought up from when I was 17. I mourned and cried and repented and He forgave me and I accepted it. See, when I look back on standing, it really had very little to do with me and my husband and everything to do with me and God. It was a time God had me all to himself and where praise from my lips intermingled with tears from my eyes and theres never been a sweeter time since. Standing is soooooo much bigger than your marriage. Its so much more. Its a part of the plan but its not the whole plan. God wouldnt limit you like that. God wants your heart. Your whole heart. We forget that God is still a jealous God and that He not only wants our time He wants US! All of us and He wants to give us all of Him. He wants your struggles your pain your emptiness and He wants to exchange it and not leave you empty handed by giving you peace and joy and contentment. He wants you to download new heavenly ideas that can only come from Him and bestow blessings upon blessings in your life. Please, if youre spending more time talking about whats being done than leaning and talking and getting to know the One true God, your focus is misguided. Re-calibrate. Gods ultimate goal is for you to get to know Him. To make you whole and to show that He is great and big and mighty. So many of us have limited God to only performing the miracle of restoring our marriages as if thats the one purpose through this trial. Its not, and you could be at an unfortunate place to miss it if you dont widen your expectancy. God wants to do something big in your life. Your testimony had already begun. Let Him write it in full. He is more than able.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 01:41:12 +0000

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