I wish I could articulate what my point of view about the rioting - TopicsExpress


I wish I could articulate what my point of view about the rioting and looting the way this brother does, Sheldon Best, so Im just going to repost entirely what he said: To all who pose the question, Whats the point of rioting and looting? What does it solve? I say the following: You are speaking from a place of privilege that obscures the root of the problem and attacks people responding to oppression. They may may respond in a way that you wouldnt or in a way that you dont understand, but you also havent had to live through their experiences. They have been told over and over by the actions of police forces across the country that people who look like them are expendable. They have been told over and over by the legal system that there is no recourse for people who look like them. They have been demonized as savages for rioting and looting when they react to injustice, while seeing other people in this country described as rowdy kids who had too much to drink when rioting and looting about pumpkins. They have been systematically shown over and over that their lives and the lives of their families are not as important as other peoples. Make no mistake, it is unfortunate that many people are losing their livelihoods; but that is the symptom of a more deeply rooted societal problem: injustice. No, looting does not solve said problem in the same way that burning plantations does not end slavery. However, its much harder to begrudge the slave for responding to his or her oppression because its more visible, more overt. Yes, these situations are different, but the end result is the same: the fires get put out and the status quo continues until everyone stops blaming victims and understands that injustice is a human problem, an American problem, and stops it. #blacklivesmatter #dontbelievethehype
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:43:06 +0000

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