I wish I could write like Bob Ellis Lines I Didn’t Use On - TopicsExpress


I wish I could write like Bob Ellis Lines I Didn’t Use On Outsiders Posted by Bob Ellis on December 7, 2014 It was hard to interrupt Maxine, and I was over-prepared. These are some of the lines I omitted. (1) It’s all in one picture, really. You announce the end of the age of entitlement, and then smoke a cigar with your Number 2. (2) The money Labor overspent went to Australians. The money the Coalitition os proposng to overspend, from the biggest deficit in our history, goes mostly to foreigners — fighting ebola, building Chinese installations, searching three oceans for the dead Black Box of MH 370, buying a fighter bomber that can’t fly yet. Hundreds of billions spent on foreigners, that never comes back. (3) So, on the original Hockey Budget calculation we’d reduce the deficit by three billion in three years. But since then we’ve got a war to pay for, and the money we’re not saving by wrecking millionairesses, and persecuting old, sick women. That means the deficit will worsen throughout foreseeable eternity if Hockey stays, and a walloping great GST on everything will come,’under Turnbull, if he does not. (4) Bishop and Abbott’s current quarrel is how the world will end, by global warming or Christ returning, and how much money we should spend on that eventuality. (5) Wayne Swan could swindle fifty Liberals for saying ‘debt and deficit disaster’. He was the world’s best Treasurer, according to one magazine, and he kept his country out of recession that was engulfing the world. He couod sue them each for three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. (6) They say we mustn’t pass on our debt to our children, but we’re already passing on four times that amount, in university fees. More to come. ellistabletalk/2014/12/07/lines-i-didnt-use-on-outsiders/
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 02:58:27 +0000

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