I wish I had written this myself ~ ~ ~ The NYPD showed - TopicsExpress


I wish I had written this myself ~ ~ ~ The NYPD showed absolutely NO respect for authority Saturday....all while demanding that the rest of us show respect for theirs. December 28, 2014 by Mindy Fischer First of all, I would like to say that I am pro-cop. I do believe that most of the police officers in this country are good people who do their best every day to protect the lives of the citizens they serve. But, my belief that most cops are good, does not diminish the fact that there are some who abuse their power or the fact that the entire system should be evaluated and improved. Now having said that, I would like to talk about your disgraceful behavior on Saturday at the funeral for Officer Rafael Ramos. Personally I found it appalling that you would use a funeral service for one of your own to make some kind of political statement. Especially after the city demanded that the protesters stop all political demonstrations until AFTER the funeral. A big deal was made that any protesting during the funeral would be absolutely disrespectful to the family of the officer killed. And you were right about that. Now I realize that you have your issues with Mayor de Blasio, and that they started before any of these #AllLivesMatter demonstrations. Not only are you in an ongoing contentious contract dispute with City Hall, but the Mayor also openly ran on a platform of ending Stop and Frisk, and ending police corruption. So I guess I can understand how you could feel protective of your own men in blue. But what I don’t understand is why that should make you so hate-filled toward the Mayor. I mean, if you are a good honest cop, then why wouldn’t you want the bad apples removed?? And if this really is more about your contract negotiations, then shame on you for dividing the city, and much of the nation, under false pretenses. NYPD union officials have said that the Mayor has “blood on his hands” following the murder of these two officers, and they have accused him of siding with the protesters instead of the cops. But what I fail to see here is why you have turned this into a dangerous game of ‘us against them’ when that is the very thing for which you condemn the protesters. It seems obvious to the rest of us that Mayor de Blasio was merely trying show empathy for people upset about recent cases of police brutality causing the deaths of African American citizens. Empathizing with peaceful protesters or giving his own personal experience of what it’s like to raise a black son in New York City does NOT make him anti-cop. You also tried to make the case that Mayor de Blasio should not even be allowed to attend funerals for fallen police officers. Why? Especially in this case of Officer Ramos, where the cop’s family actually said that they wanted the Mayor there. The family also asked that the funeral service be just about Ramos, and NOT about politics. And so what did you do? You turned a funeral service for one of your own into a ridiculous spectacle for the world to see.. You chose to make a funeral all about you instead of the murdered cop being laid to rest. Turning your backs to Mayor de Blasio as he delivered the eulogy for Officer Ramos made you look like petty children throwing a tempter tantrum. And it did absolutely nothing to improve your image for those people who really do mistrust or dislike the police. I have heard it over and over again that the cops blame the protesters for not only creating an atmosphere conducive to cop killings, but for also causing the divide and hatred throughout the city. So what exactly do you think your little stunt on Saturday did?? I can tell you for sure that it did nothing to calm the heated situation down or to heal the division between law enforcement and the public. But what it DID do is to exacerbate the entire situation. Shame on you NYPD….you have literally embarrassed your entire profession and the city of New York.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 21:42:06 +0000

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