I wish I were in NYC right now, on the streets with people of all - TopicsExpress


I wish I were in NYC right now, on the streets with people of all colors, peacefully marching for the fair and equal treatment of all races by all groups—the police, the government, corporations, and others. There is a huge racial divide, and minorities are almost always on the shit end of it. I get excited to see Americans stand up for justice, against injustice. This isnt an anti-police tirade. I cant pretend to be a police officer confronting someone they see as potentially dangerous, anymore than I can pretend to be a black man confronted with the dangers of facing a police officer. I dont want to generalize about any of it. I only know that too many black men have died at the hands of white police officers. Too many for it to be an unfortunate coincidence. Unless that unfortunate coincidence may having something to do with racism. Racism is alive and well in the US, and its silly to think that all of the thousands of police officers in our country have somehow evaded its grip. We cant solve a problem without acknowledging the problem exists. Racism is a problem. It exists. RIP Eric Garner, and our many other African-American brothers who didnt have to die. May your deaths, as well as all deaths at the hands of ignorance and injustice, push our country and world a little closer to something that resembles acceptance and equality. I pray things remain peaceful but active. Change requires action. And I pray all can stay connected to love through this process, even within the justified anger, so that whatever comes of this, it is fueled by the one thing that can draw us all closer together. Only love can do that.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 03:32:26 +0000

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