I wish people would look at Oswald in the doorway from a purely - TopicsExpress


I wish people would look at Oswald in the doorway from a purely mathematical point of view. Doormans physical likeness to Oswald is undeniable- and no one has denied it. And his likeness in dress is equally undeniable. And, its not just a likeness in the clothes but in the way the clothes were worn. These likenesses have to be, not added together, but multiplied. In other words, if there was a 1 in x chance of so much physical likeness between Oswald and Doorman, and a 1 in y chance of so much sartorial likeness between Oswald and Doorman, the total chance of so much likeness becomes: 1/x x 1/y Do you realize how small a number that is? But, to grasp how unique Doormans clothing and manner of dress were, here are images of the JFK motorcade, showing a lot of men. It includes the Altgens photo, but no need to limit ourselves to it. See if there are any other men in any picture who are dressed in the manner of the Altgens Doorman. https://google/search?q=JFK+motorcade&rlz=1C1FGGD_enUS501US507&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Y2TZUquKGNWvsQT1yYCYBw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1440&bih=799#imgdii=_ So, that look- of a loose-fitting outer shirt that was unbuttoned and gaping-wide sprawled open over a notched t-shirt- was very unique. It was very distinguishing. Doorman had it, and Oswald had it. That is beyond doubt. The question is, did Lovelady also have it? I think you know very well that he did not.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 17:19:40 +0000

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