I wish that I could tell you that our ninjas liberated this cool - TopicsExpress


I wish that I could tell you that our ninjas liberated this cool Idora Park sign during a dawn raid upon the Russian Mafia, or the Chinese Communists, or even the Peoples Republic of Washington DC... ...you know, a story about some really exciting act of liberation that involved a surprise attack...of ninjas throwing shurikens (throwing stars), nunchukas fights, using poof dust to disappear, moving so lightning fast that everything around you seems to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n, like in a ninja movie! Nope, none of that happened...not this time anyway. Sooooo, how did The Idora Park Experience acquire this amazing, 4 foot x 4 foot Idora Park sign? Well...Im gonna tell you... A very nice lady by the name of Sandy Giardullo came to our grand opening. Sandy told me that she had this large Idora Park sign that her son, Rich had bought at the Idora Park auction in October, 1984. My eyes and ears immediately perked up! Sandy said that her son, Rich Giardullo II bought this Idora Park sign on Sunday, Oct 21, 1984...the second and final day of the Idora Park auction. Just as soon as I met Sandy I noticed that she had this deep sadness in her eyes, her face, her voice...I noticed it right away. She told me that her son Rich had passed away. I could see the hurt and loss not just in her eyes, but I could feel it coming from her heart and soul. I cant imagine how a parent could bear such a pain as losing a child...at any age. I stood and listened to her...and knew that there was nothing I could say to her to ease her pain as she told me about her son, Rich. I could feel that her pain and loss would never be lessened by anything that I could possibly say. I felt so humbled and powerless. What words can be said? All that I could say was that I was so sorry for her loss...such a weak phrase to convey. How do you ease such a loss? I cant. I cannot comprehend the horror of such a loss and I cant fathom any words that might offer some solace. The words dont exist. Sandy described the sign to me. She told me that it was in her basement...that Richs sign belonged with The Idora Park Experience...that it needed to be donated and be seen by others. I was reeling from the hurt and sorrow that I could feel in her heart when she spoke about Rich... When she said that she wanted to donate her sons sign I looked around the building and I thought...Jim, you cant take this sign. This place isnt worthy of the sorrow this woman has suffered! How can I take her sign? I was silent for a time as I looked at Sandy. I couldnt speak right away. Finally, I said that I dont think I can take her sign. It belonged with her...it was her sons sign. Sandy said she was sure about this...the sign belonged here...at The Idora Park Experience, in the memory of Rich. She gave me her phone number and asked me to call her when I could come to pick up the sign. I agonized for weeks over making the phone call about this sign. I just didnt know how to speak to her. A few days ago I made the call...left a message on her phone. Sandy called me back today and tonight I stopped by her home and I picked up the sign. Its a pretty amazing artifact from Idora Park, dont you agree? Pretty awesome sign! Thank you Sandy Giardullo! Thank you Rich! Sandy, yours and Richs sign is in good hands. We will fashion a plaque as a memorial to Rich. The plaque will be attached to the Idora Park sign and the sign will have a prominent and conspicuous place within The Idora Park Experience...in a location where everyone can see it. Sandy, I just dont have the words that can ease the pain in your heart or the empty void in your life that was left by Richs loss. All that I can say is that I believe there will come a time for each of us, when the mysteries of life and death and loss and sorrow will be made known. I think that when that happens to us...the pain will disappear, well be whole again, and everything will make sense. Until then, we carry on as best we can. God Bless everyone.
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 04:18:46 +0000

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