I wish there were more people of integrity in my beloved Malawi. - TopicsExpress


I wish there were more people of integrity in my beloved Malawi. People with principles, who can not be bought by politicians, people who are willing to stay in opposition to defend the Constitution of Malawi and genuine democracy which we fought for in the early 1990s. People who are not afraid to applaud good things that the government is doing and still constructively criticise when things are going wrong. People who are not moved by handouts, the spirit of nepotism, cronysim, and tribalism, people who can rightfully stand for the truth and defend the rights of all citizens of Malawi and not just the elite. People.who are willing to be unpopular for the sake of standing for what is right. Above all, I wish for leaders who are accountable to those whom they are leading, leaders who can willingly resign when something goes wrong under their watch to pave for proper and transparent investigations into those matters. Malawi is almost 50years old now but we keep going around in circles because we as a people do not love our country enough to stand for the truth and sacrifice for it. Do not forget that, righteousness exalts a nation but sin a reproach to any people.(Proverbs 14:34) May God have mercy and give us people who will take Malawi to a much more glorious 50years than the last fifty miserable years that Malawi has experienced. Say no to unprincipled/recycled politicians, say no to Nepotism, Cronysm and Tribalism. Vote wisely, the future of your children, grand children and great grand children is in your hands!
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 18:19:18 +0000

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