I wish there were one simple way to reach all nonvegans, but so - TopicsExpress


I wish there were one simple way to reach all nonvegans, but so far, such a method seems to be unavailable. Meanwhile, some will likely be able to see through the hypocrisy of loving cats and eating cows, others will be touched by the bloody slaughterhouse pictures, some will no doubt be able to see the sarcasm and react positively toward it, and alas many others are just not ready for change and will find any lame excuse pro animal cruelty.. If they werent meant to be eaten, why do they taste so good, hmm bacon, what about the Eskimos, etc.. I get that some non vegans would rather not see nor hear any pro vegan propaganda. To them it is too challenging, but I dont get what the great challenge is, and why some people that are clearly ready to stop the cruelty, dont do so? I like to try and put myself in the position of the exploited.. What would I like to be done if I were the one imprisoned, having my family removed, being raped, movement restricted, suffering, and the final agonising trip to the slaughterhouse to be butchered.. Id like for someone to step in and free me, Id like for the doors to be opened, and to be able to run out into a safe environment, with no further risk to my health, well-being and life. (Some animal liberationists are doing this). Id like for the message to be spread of the injustice, and for people to do what they can to help free the enslaved, would this be too much to hope for? Im not someone who is generally in your face, Im not one of those people that will go out and protest handing out leaflets and giving talks, explaining reasons to go vegan, Im just a bod who likes to live a peaceful life, who if you meet in the street, will probably not tell you anything about animal rights unless you somehow bring up the subject.. Me sharing the memes I do, is just my way of saying what I feel. I know you dont all want to hear it, but thats the great thing about things like facebook, if you are pro animal cruelty, and dont want to face the challenge of that stance, you can simply unfriend me, or stop getting notifications of the posts I share. I dont create them myself, I merely share them. Or you can debate with me here why you think it is ok to abuse animals.. The choice is yours... I believe once you stop making excuses, you will realise that the only real obstacle to becoming vegan, are the excuses.. there are no real valid reasons, it is not difficult, you simply have to stop buying animal products.. Its not like there is no alternatives, and nothing else to eat. There is an abundance of things to choose from, and you will be better off from making the choice. Using your body as a graveyard is not a healthy option. Being vegetarian doesnt really address the issues either, animals suffer in many ways much more through the vegetarian choice.. by necessity it requires exploitation of the animals, whereas eating purely meat could theoretically be done just from road kill, thus through non interference, the same can never be said for dairy, or eggs.. If you have valid reasons to continue abusing animals please tell me what they are?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:34:55 +0000

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