I wish to appeal to those couples that are staying together that - TopicsExpress


I wish to appeal to those couples that are staying together that when they are exercising the exchange of abdominal pleasures during nocturnal hours, let them be considerate of their other neighbors who are alone. Especially during the weekdays Yesternight, as I was about to induce my body to a temporary coma; as I was about to welcome periodic unconsciousness; as I was about to sleep, I heard sounds from my neighbor and wondered why they were rearranging their furniture at night. It was until a lady’s voice moaned in delight that I gathered that “thorough mating” was the activity in progress. The clarity of sound at night didn’t do me any favors. I could hear flesh pounding on flesh, hands smacking the posterior, and more sirens from the lady…ehh. Such was the intensity that it began to incite my loins as my vessel had now succumbed to linear expansivity. It had achieved Turgidity in anticipation of a voyage to the pelvic sections of a female. How was I to convince it to retreat because of false alarm? How was I to explain to it that what it had reacted to was just but a drill?..And one thing about these creatures, u better fulfill its demands or one day just when u need it most, it will go on strike without even giving u a notice prior. That’s why before I finish writing this, I just want to apologize to Jay-z for the way I defiled his wife in my sleep. I want to apologize to Blue Ivy for the manner in which I hallucinated with her mum, and Most of all I want to thank beyonce for availing herself and next time beyonce please don’t turn into Oprah winfrey ..And if u must, atleast let me finish first. Yeah,That’s what my neighbor put me through last night. Not cool!!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 08:39:36 +0000

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