I wish to make something very clear and hope everyone understand - TopicsExpress


I wish to make something very clear and hope everyone understand every last word. No one, I mean no one must ever thinks that the things I post on this and other sites are intended to win followers to the gospel of God that I preach. When I invite someone to like my page, that in itself asks you to unlike it as well if you disagree with the things Im saying. By now everyone should know what my position is when it comes to the Christian church and doctrine. No Christian should ever think that my posts target him or her for indoctrination. The gospel of God that Hes given me for men is not something Christians can like or embrace seeing that it contradicts and opposes their love of this life. This gospel of God that I preach does not seek Christian converts nor does it welcome any. This gospel acknowledges the reposing New Testament Church of God to be the only true body of Christ. It further acknowledges the mystery of truth which determined the Church of God reinventing itself and shall manifest itself in due time in the lives and bodies of men. No one is called to become member of this Church; for you will not come to this Church, but rather it will come to you. God Himself will raise up His holy saints who will lead this holy body into the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I now ask that Christians and others who disagree with the things I post, please do not view these writings as seeking your patronage, because this is the last thing that could take place on this earth. If anyone disagrees with the things I post, your responsibility is to intelligently and knowledgeably rebuke and rebut me. But please dont ever feel or make it seems like Im vying for your membership, because that is not possible in this world nor in any other.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 03:31:07 +0000

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