I wish to once again clarify some of the comments I made here - TopicsExpress


I wish to once again clarify some of the comments I made here yesterday regarding the visit of government Minister Hogan to my local community. As I stated in a follow up message, my comments were in no way designed to be an attack on the committee members , whom without their dedication, time and effort, hard work which is more often thankless than thankful, and certainly not pensionable, it is very likely that the community centre interior would only be visible to the public on voting days. At present there is a host of activities on going with many more planned no doubt. Not just the elected committee but the dozens of locals and others who organize events, and the workers who keep the village clean and tidy. It is truly a treat to actually be able to see the full length of Tullaghan Cross and to be able to walk up to it without the threat of briar torn legs. If anyone was personally offended by my comments or any of the language used therein, (which I did apologize for), I will again apologize. They were not personal but a general jibe at the state of the nation as such and the seemingly casual attitudes and assumptions of self importance that so many of our elected representatives seem to have and the continued reluctance of people to challenge this, perhaps in part due to old traditions, beliefs and allegiances. My comments were entirely borne from frustration at the fact that despite everything that has gone on in this country, not just with this current government, but with politics and politicians as a whole, people still do not feel empowered enough, to challenge, and question these public servants and demand their rights as citizens of the country for fear that they will be somehow penalized in the future or that it will reflect badly on the community. This was how things used to be, it is not how things should continue to be. To borrow the blurb of one political party, Time for Change. I really feel and felt that this was a good opportunity, given the fact that most politicians including some from not so far away, seem to struggle to find Leitrim on the map. Here we had a high profile Minister visiting the village of Tullaghan, which many in Leitrim dont think is even on the map!!, I felt it was a missed opportunity to relay the concerns of the community. This does not have to be done by shouting or abuse or unorthodox means. Quite often silence can be most effective (I should practice what I preach I hear many of you shout) :) I have no doubt that these lot operate by giving minimal notice on these visits, for this very reason. But we are now in an era of mass, vast and rapid communication, which could be utilized on occasions such as these. I must admit that it was the Minister in question who caused particular disdain. His attitude and comments towards the public regarding many issues of great concern, really does little to improve his persona to many including myself. However, I will stand by my comments inferring that politicians, political representatives and the like, who continue to treat the people of this country as subjects rather than citizens, should not be treated as some dignitary of merit. Finally, all views and opinions expressed here and in any previous posts, are entirely my own. I am more than happy to discuss further if need be. Peace, love and UP LEITRIM :)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:37:19 +0000

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