I wish to take a moment to share a point Dr Neruda made: that is - TopicsExpress


I wish to take a moment to share a point Dr Neruda made: that is the hologram of deception we live in is all about SEPARATION. It encompasses our entire existence, thanks to our controllers. White vs Black, poor vs rich, educated vs uneducated, republican vs democrat, muslim vs christian, born here vs immigrant etc etc etc. I bring this up in relation to my travels. I am fairly well traveled. I have visited many countries on the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Many are third world countries. In every case, the people I met all want the same things: a safe home for their families, good food, music and dancing they like, good neighbors, a secure way to earn a living, decent clothing, a good education, a safe, stable environment to grow up in. NO WHERE I have ever been did folks want to destroy others for holding different beliefs, or likes. Folks just want to be left in peace to live their lives to the fullest. Any behavior to the contrary, IMO, is a red flag that outside interests ( aka cabal) are at play. So I take issue with statements that ignore what I see as human nature, and concentrate on the abnormal behavior ( like violent factions within an otherwise peaceable group.) We have been brain washed, and mind controlled in ways that bring these abnormal behaviors to the fore. I fear no one, no group, no religion, no political affiliation. Nor do I hate anyone, or anything. I have behaved as a traveler, and been treated well, everywhere I have been. And that includes a shit load of ghettos. When one behaves as a part of humanity, one is treated that way. When one advocates separation of any kind, one separates oneself from humanity. And THAT!, is the secret to our hologram of deception, separation, and our continued enslavement. Deprogramming ourselves of these separation mind control programs dissolves our controllers control over us. Removing the cabal, the banksters, the corrupt politicians, the greedy, the war mongers, the evil, STILL does NOTHING to remove these separation mind control programs. There will be a world of love, cooperation, kindness, sharing, and bounty for all, ONLY if we remove these separation mind control programs from ourselves. THIS is the secret to our progress as a species. It can only be done at the individual level. NO ONE or NOTHING, can stop us from regaining our position in the cosmos as sovereign beings. Except ourselves...
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 20:51:03 +0000

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