I wish you could meet Jane Marcum. Shes the founder and C.E.O. of - TopicsExpress


I wish you could meet Jane Marcum. Shes the founder and C.E.O. of the Childrens Home. She is well-qualified, with a B.S./M.S. in Education. She taught in schools in the USA from 1965 to 1994, but in 1985 she travelled in China during the summers. It was here she caught her vision of the need for a loving home for the many children living in abject poverty, some in caves, whose parents or principal carers were no longer able to take care of their children. This could be due to death in coal mining accidents or land collapses in their cave homes, or as a result of diseases such as cancer, hepatitis, heart, strokes, or AIDS. In some cases it was because of being deserted by a parent, usually the mother, or a lack of safety in the home environment. So finally, in 1996, Jane rented an apartment in Xinmi, and took in 8 children. Before this time she had married a Chinese gentleman, who supported her in her venture. In 1997 she rented a second apartment with another 8 children. From 1998-1999 she designed and had built the childrens home with four apartments, each housing 10 children. She began in that home in 1999 with 30 children living in 3 of the apartments. The fourth apartment opened finally in 2004. Through the 18 years she has managed the home, it has helped 95 children and spent approximately $1,013,000. Jane, who is a Christian, told me the story of how she raised the initial funds to construct the home. She believes the money came quite miraculously, just the amount she needed, exactly when she needed it. Of course this affirmed in her mind that she was where she was meant to be. All children who have left the home now have jobs, families or have their own little shops. Ten have graduated from university. Ten are presently studying in the university. One is getting her Masters Degree in Chemistry in Jilin University. I met one young boy who was on the verge of committing suicide when he was taken in as a nine-year old. He is now a happy, smiling boy who is loved, and has a future. Unfortunately Jane is now widowed, but at 70 years of age she still energetically runs the home along with a General Operations Manager and 11 other paid workers, together with other volunteer workers. She makes regular visits to the States to bring awareness of the needs of the school and seek sponsorships and donations. The home is supported entirely by family (among other relatives, she has two children and 5 grandsons, all living in China), friends, civic groups and churches of many beliefs. A legal board in America oversees their work. The Home, and the work of Jane Marcum, have been highly recognized in China. In 2000 she was awarded the Provincial Yellow River Friendship Award. In 2002 she received the National Great Wall Friendship Award in Beijing - the highest award for foreigners in China. That same year her Home became the first legally registered foreign-run orphan home in Henan province. In 2005 Jane received the Zhengzhou City Shang Du Friendship Award. The Home, and Jane, have featured prominently in news media, including Newsweek magazine, Beijing Review, television and major newspapers. The photos attached here show some of the things we did at the home this afternoon. We listened to a talk by Jane, and saw a short promotional video, we divided into smaller groups and each group had a guided tour of one of the apartments in the home by one of the older children. We played some fun games with the children, and got to meet them and talk with some of them. We witnessed them receive gifts from the Foreign Affairs Bureau representatives, donated by various groups and individuals. Above all, we were uplifted and inspired.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 14:02:44 +0000

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