I witnessed another act of domestic violence today out in public. - TopicsExpress


I witnessed another act of domestic violence today out in public. This is the 3rd one in as many months where I have seen a man either verbally or physically abusing a woman. I dont know why Im catching these moments, but they are shaking me to my core. While at a stop light, the car behind me was shaking and I saw two people slapping each other. My first thought was that they were young kids fooling around. But I kept watching them and quickly realized that it was a woman behind the wheel and the man in the passenger seat was literally punching her in her arm, legs, etc...She was fighting back or trying to deflect him. He was hitting her so hard that the car shook. It was so bad that I came *this* close to getting out of my car just to make him stop hitting her. I had the kids with me and even Seth said he wanted to get out and kick that guys ass. It was so surreal, and afterwards I bawled. I cried for the woman who is in her own personal hell. It was such a sad and heartbreaking moment to watch. Im thinking of taking some self defensive classes just so that Im more prepared should I see this again, as I feel I am being pulled to intervene and help these women in these situations. I dont know, all I know is I have never seen as many acts of domestic violence out in public as I have these past few months. I pray that none of my friends are enduring this, but if you are please know that you dont deserve to be treated like this and there is always help. Always.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 03:44:18 +0000

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