I woke up at 2:30 and Started watching things i havent caught up - TopicsExpress


I woke up at 2:30 and Started watching things i havent caught up on and long forgotten to talk about from time to time, but it was always there i just stopped talking about it, (cause people think your crazy or they dont want to hear it anymore, or plain old just think this kid doesnt know what hes talking about) When Really these are real Topics, Real ISSUES, And they are happening everywhere not just in america, and these are just a few of the things that are happening! and I Apologize, America, We Need TO do something Our country is Imploding, Our President thinks he can just Go above the Constitutional Laws, We Are Almost at the Brink of War with a Country that JFK created Peace with Cause this war would end us All, A war with Russia, Our Dollar is going to die which will kill everything in our economy DO YOU WANT EVERYTHING TO COST 3000% more then it does? I dont! Its bad enough as it is now, and Recently Our borders have caved and thousands of Illegals have and will be pouring into our country KILLING our SOVEREIGNTY, America is being destroyed by designed, and WE THE PEOPLE sit here and do nothing, Im at least doing something Talking about it spreading it, The facts are all there THIS ISNT A CONSPIRACY THEORY anymore, Its a CONSPIRACY, Its the Truth, Obama is the ender the closer so to speak for our countries freedoms and rights, If we dont stop this, we might as well kiss our asses goodbye, I know that i will fight when the time comes, cause theres a time to talk, and theres a time for action!, Be Brave, Full of Integrity, and Honor, Be a Patriot, Carry Your Founding Fathers Heritage what they left us with PRIDE, Let their Blood Pump through your veins, and lets TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK, before its too late.... Goodnight everyone for the second time! Remember We the People are the Master and Our Governments are the slave we have long forgotten that, and the sooner we make them realize that the sooner they will stop their shit, We have the right to over throw our government if it has become tyrannical its in our Founding Documents, its the exact reason for the 2nd Amendment, They are scared of us WAKING UP and saying NO MORE! Freedom isnt Free, BUT ITS SUPPOSED TO BE!, Dont Give up Patriots, Take Care and God Bless, Or Bless You, The Republic will Rise Again, Our Founding Fathers will not have died in VAIN! (THESE ARE REAL ISSUES LOOK AT THE NEWS, READ UP ON THESE TOPICS, THEY ARE HAPPENING, WE DONT KNOW IT CAUSE WE ARE TOO BUSY PAYING ATTENTION TO MILEY CYRUS NAKED, JUSTIN BIEBER GOING TO JAIL, SO ON AND SO FORTH, BE AND INDIVIDUAL, DIVIDED WE ARE CONQUERED, TOGETHER WE ARE FREE, don/t let them destroy us AND DEFINITELY DONT LET THEM TAKE OUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOM COMPLETELY!) WE ARE THE RESISTANCE WE ARE NOT EXTREMISTs WE ARE FREEDOM LOVERS WE LOVE TO DO everything we do everyday im 100% sure you love to do everything you do everyday right? Do you want all that to go away and a government hold your hand and tell you that you cant do anything at all without their permission, Dont LET THEM PAINT US AS THE ENEMY cause we Believe in freedom, TYRANNY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED from me, One day ill be right, and ill look back at all that i warned for a long time, i dont put shame on you and i am not trying to cram this shit down your throat, i am Simply OPENING YOUR MIND to what is really happening, and saying to keep an open mind and to keep it with you even if you DONT believe it...... Look up ISIS, Look at the news lately saying that Washington is being destroyed and is BROKEN, and it needs to be fixed, BY US! There is so much more but Ive said enough for now lol maybe ill continue!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 07:39:18 +0000

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