I woke up heartbroken and truly disturbed by what I see happening - TopicsExpress


I woke up heartbroken and truly disturbed by what I see happening in my city! Mothers & fathers are losing their children, Children are losing their Mothers & Fathers & young people are losing siblings & friends ! And once again no arrest are being made. As this continues to happen I do not see any action being taken by the community leaders, just smaller individual groups making attempts to speak out and march but most people know nothing about these events until after the fact and as a result the turn out is poor. Then to add to all of this the news reported this morning THE DUNBAR COMMUNITY CENTER maybe closing down ! The Police & the city officials are not going to rise up and act outraged if we dont ! These are OUR YOUNGE PEOPLE being murdered in the street with NO ONE BEING held accountable ! And if no one is being held accountable WHY would they stop ?! There needs to be effective action taken !! And we CANNOT AFFORD to lose The Dunbar Community Center! Its one of the ONLY place our children have. EVERYONE needs to act NOW dont wait until it lands at your door step because with each killing its starting to hit closer and closer to home . Its may seem like its not your problem today and have everything to do with you and your family tomorrow. This constant stream of crime and sense of hopelessness in Springfield has to stop & have a turn around fast! Its running away the good people that we want to be in our community & poisoning the youth thats living in the community! With all of its good citizens gone & its youth exposed to an environment where there is high crime and NOTHING productive to do Springfield will become a huge landfill ! NOTE TO THE MAYOR & MGM GRAND you can build the worlds most extravagant, top of the line, attraction filled casino but what good would it be if its environment is NOT safe and its built in a destroyed community!?! A Mansion is worthless if its built on a wasteland !!! STOP THE VIOLENCE LIVE ANOTHER DAY! Awareness Concert this Saturday August 2nd 280 Bridge st downtown Springfield MA ... Please Support!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:55:13 +0000

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