I woke up this Wednesday morning of November 13th and was working - TopicsExpress


I woke up this Wednesday morning of November 13th and was working on laundry. My laundry is done outside on a wash board and a clothes line for drying. The sky was cloudy, there really was no sun peeking through, the wind was blowing and I could hear the leaves rustling. It was a peaceful morning and on the cooler side. I was thinking of my family that fall has already passed them and the snow flakes have begun. In a way it brought tears to my eyes because I will miss the beauty of the snow covered trees and the sun glistening off of the snow covered grass but I was thankful for Mexico seeing the seasons as well just with no snow here. I love the seeing the seasons change, it is a reminder that God is so good. For He made all of this out of nothing. So I finished my laundry, made my coffee to warm up with and began reading on seasons. I read the following Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. that right there says it all about our God but he didnt stop there and created all the things of this earth we have the privilege enjoying. Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. After reading this one, how can anyone question Global Warming? Right here in the Lords Word He is telling us that that will never happen. As long as earth remaineth there will always be the seasons. Daniel 2:21 And he changeth the times and the seasons.... Our Lord is in FULL control of the earth and the changes. So why do we question Him with our lives? He can most certainly handle our problems, if He handles the leaves changing colors, the clouds producing rain, the buds blooming into beautiful colors of flowers, the grass turning green and growing and letting the snow fall beautifully upon us. Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made everything beautiful in his time.... You know our lives are like seasons, nothing ever stays the same for to long. People come and go, tears turn into laughter, sadness turns into happiness, things come and go and most importantly our trials will come and go. I need to learn to look at our trial as a season. See we complain with every season, the spring brings to much rain, the summer brings to much heat, the fall makes a mess with the leaves and then of course there is winter, its cold, the wind is blowing, there is ice and at times its just a mess. But we need to learn to focus on the beauty of the seasons, the beautiful flowers in the spring, the green grass and the sun shining in the summer, the beautiful colors on the trees in the fall, and the glistening glow of the snow in the winter. So see during our trials we can focus on the negative, we can be angry, be bitter, hold grudges but where will that get us. Nowhere, so lets look for the beauty in our seasons of our lives and see Gods beauty throughout it all. For He is there, just as he is there for spring, summer, fall and winter. He has great plans for the seasons and He has great plans for our seasons. Trust Him, sit back and enjoy the beauty in your life. I am so thankful for the seasons, for each one brings something new and beautiful. Though I may not see the snow here in Mexico, if you look and pay attention you can see the changes and enjoy them here as well. So as I enjoy seeing the the seasons change, I will try to look for the beauty in our trial and enjoy what the Lord is doing. Enjoy the season you are in and may God Bless you.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 19:16:38 +0000

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