I woke up very early this morning. I didnt jump out of bed. I just - TopicsExpress


I woke up very early this morning. I didnt jump out of bed. I just listened to the quiet of my home. I was thinking about the last several months and the changes we have been through. I used to worry about things I dont look at twice now. I was also thinking about the upcoming holiday. Weve always had a traditional Thanksgiving meal and weve always been thankful. This year our thanks are so much more! We have the blessing of prayer and we have so many people who continue to pray for Hannah. Hannah has an appointment this week, and I know she is nervous about it. Please continue to show her love and support. She is working super hard at therapy and has been able to have some weight bearing on her legs with assistance from a walker. She isnt able to walk without assistance and she tires easily. This is a process and we are cheering her on! She said its crazy that I have to depend on a wheelchair and walker and can only go a few steps. Kind of.... We always go back to the fact that she is alive and breathing. For that, we are thankful. I dont know if I have just begun to realize how many families struggle with a loved one who is ill, children that are diagnosed with cancer or a medical condition, or just people in general who are facing trying times in their own lives, or if there are more of these occurrences happening ? I do know that I have prayed for people I dont even know after I have experienced the love, concern, and support shown for Hannah. Its only takes a moment to pray for someone. Today, if you know of someone who needs prayer, do it. Pray for them. There are so many people who have visible illnesses or problems, yet there are also people who have illnesses and problems they dont share. I read a good post the other day from Andrea Summers Walker who said that she saw a woman near her and felt the overwhelming urge to pray for her. I dont know if the woman wanted the prayer or not, but couldnt we all use it?? Andrea says she was praying it forward . I like that. If you are looking for someone to pray for, I encourage you to pray for the following: Tim and Joanne Huckaby, Miranda Nichols, Timothy Young, Darla Flori, Tripp Halstead and Kylee Cubine. You can also go to the following pages- Battle for Brock, Prayers for Corbin, and praying for Meg( daughter of Lauren Supercinski Cammack and Jason Cammack). Prayer works!! On a family note, Holly and Haley are counting the days down until Thanksgiving and Christmas and while they know the true meaning of Christmas, they are still children and have a Dear Santa letter :) We are ready to have Hunter home and let him be finished with another semester at school . Thank you to all of you who continue to love, pray, and support our Hannah. We are Blessed! With Love~The Winks
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 14:38:21 +0000

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