I won this time so it isnt a my god we lost! moment. We were going - TopicsExpress


I won this time so it isnt a my god we lost! moment. We were going to lose but I was Nasus so the game was salvaged. However the game is an incredible example of how players just flat out do the most stupid shit. 1. Enemy Vi smites blue early and twitch steals it 2. I invade Red but Ryze doesnt come (Leblanc does) against the enemy Shyvana, Vi and Karma. No one dies but the enemy slips away with little health. It could have been a ridiculous win if Ryze teleported on the ward laid for him. 3. Leblanc all-ins Karma only to die. She proceeds to do this two more times because if it doesnt work the first time it must work the next few times. 4. Leblanc dies because she stayed with low health and then tried to port back...IN FRONT OF THE TOWER. Karma just walked up to her and used Q to kill her. She wasnt even under the tower. 5. Ryze screws up an ambush gank by rushing the Shyvana instead of letting her get close. This one was infuriating. 6. The enemy kept trying to fight me one-on-one. Let that sink in...they tried to fight Nasus with Trinity Force 1v1. Needless to say they didnt last long. Like I said, we ended up winning but it was one of those games where it didnt even feel good to play it at all.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 07:20:35 +0000

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