I wonder how many of my Facebook friends remember back to 93/94 - TopicsExpress


I wonder how many of my Facebook friends remember back to 93/94 when Hillary Clinton held secret meetings with her Hillarycare task force and drew up a government healthcare scheme that almost became law. The electorate was so outraged over this attempt to take over the healthcare system that they threw out the Democrat majority in both houses of Congress and voted in a Republican majority for the first time in 40 years. Now, Bill Clinton was at least as much a pragmatist as an ideologue, and he saw the writing on the wall. If he wanted a second term, he’d better work with the new Republican majority in Congress. This resulted in the best economy we’d had in a long time. In fact, Bill co-opted the Republican agenda and claimed all the credit for its success. None of that would have ever happened had Hillarycare succeeded. So, what do you think happened to all the drafts of legislative proposal from Hillarycare? If you think they discarded them, you’d be mistaken. No, they saved them and tweaked them now and then for the next 16 years, then crammed them down our throats in 2010, when they had a social Democrat president and Democrat majorities once again in both houses of Congress. Then the 2010 elections put the Republicans back in control of the House, but not the Senate. The public was again outraged, and the Tea Party arose. But Obama is pure Marxist ideologue, no pragmatism like Clinton. The difference between the 1994 elections and the 2010 elections is that there were more low-information voters, more illegal alien voters and more cemetery voters in 2010, all going to the Democrats, and the Republicans could manage to take only the House back. (You do understand that, even if you routinely vote Republican while you’re alive, you’ll suddenly become a Democrat once you’re dead, don’t you?) So now we have Obamacare, which is just warmed over Hillarycare, and we are all going to have to suffer its consequences until it implodes on itself, which it will. Our main hope is that enough low-information voters will be forced to wake up when Obamacare’s stark realities hit them in the face, and that they will turn to tea party conservatives to get us out of this mess. But there will be more and more damage to our already weak economy in the meantime. Obama and the Dems will not be able to pin the blame on Bush or the Republicans this time.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:23:08 +0000

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