I wonder if England is FINALLY starting to change their position - TopicsExpress


I wonder if England is FINALLY starting to change their position on Islam? I remember in 2006 I went to London to do Revelation TV and preach in some churches. I was detained and held at customs and harassed because I told them I was there to preach, and they said, A Christian church? Who gave you permission to come to our nation with a Christian message? One agent tried to deport me. They made me stand against a wall for quite awhile and was hateful to me before they finally let me in. In the meantime Muslims with towels and burkas on their heads walked right through without any trouble. My ex-finance Regina, who, at the time I visited London I hadnt seen in a few years since we had broken up, was teaching Bible college there, and she came and got me to take me to the TV show and we walked around London that night. She was talking in a bad accent trying to sound like she was from England. I told her it had been only about 7 years since we had broken up and I asked her why she was trying to talk like someone from England seeing how she was from Oklahoma and wouldnt have lost her accent in that short of time. She explained that she didnt want people to know she was from America, because Londoners hated America and blamed them when the Muslims bombed London a few months prior to me coming. Instead of blaming the Muslims who bombed them, Londoners said the Muslims would never have bombed them if America had not gotten England involved in the war in Iraq. Regina showed me proof of what she was saying as we walked by shops where English shop owners had placed the American flag on the ground at the entrance to their shops so people could wipe their feet on them. So the Poms felt that Islam could do no wrong and the Americans were at fault. Now hopefully they will see that it isnt Americans that are cutting off peoples heads. Nope. It is the Religion Of Peace. foxnews/world/2014/09/14/isis-video-claims-to-show-beheading-british-hostage-david-haines/
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:32:50 +0000

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