I wonder if anyone can answer me this question - Why do people - TopicsExpress


I wonder if anyone can answer me this question - Why do people give to research charities like cancer research? Do they not think the pharmaceutical corporations that fund and control cancer research can afford it? These are huge multi-billion dollar corporations - why do they need our hard-earned money to research a product that once developed will hugely increase their already massive profits? Surely if they really cared about curing disease they would: 1. WANT to use some of their abundance of profit to research it for themselves 2. Spread awareness about the CAUSES for prevention of the disease rather that focussing completely on the CURE 3. Refrain from guilt-tripping and using continuous fallacies that appeal to the emotions and loss of those that have been affected by the disease, even using the memories of victims to promote their scam. 4. STOP MAKING & PROMOTING THE VERY PRODUCTS THAT CAUSE THE DISEASES in the first place! Is it just me or are they adding compounded insult to injury? Can anyone else see what a huge scam this is? I am so bloody mad that they can con innocent and vulnerable people into funding and working for what they should be paying for themselves! I would really recommend everyone thinks about this carefully before donating or working hard for a cause that is for pharmaceutical research such as cancer, alzheimers, etc. Many of them are controlled, funded and even owned by these huge pharmaceutical companies. If you want to give to research, you could choose an independent researcher.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:07:47 +0000

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