I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that we are - TopicsExpress


I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that we are beginning to think that anyone who has the money can open a school and become a principal. Or could it be that we do not value the human capital of education - namely teachers? People will put out based on the levels of expectations and how emotionally secure they feel. Numerous articles and research has been done on workplace motivation. The final conclusion for every single article is emotional security. Pay is NOT at the top of the scale - what does that say for us America? When will we stop the onslaught on education? An educator is anyone who loves children and are willing to do what it takes to ensure that they receive a decent education. Is this happening nationwide? Is it happening in communities where the poverty level is below the national poverty level? Is it happening in inner city schools where the fear for ones life becomes the concern and not education? I know that the First Amendment Pundits do NOT want to hear this, but as America - the nation that calls itself a Christian nation - continues with its vast moral decay, and as it continues to throw away its moral compass, it will lose sight of what is important! When turning a profit is more important than treating your employees with respect, and children as the priceless gems that they are, the result will always be evident among the individuals who has less power. I guarantee you that if high school students had the right to vote the political climate of this nation would change and so would the schools. We cannot claim that we are a nation with a national educational focus when the government arbitrarily determines that lobbyists should get more money that education. Bare in mind that the test scores of many of these countries ,where education is NOT public reflects the tests scores of children whose parents can afford to pay for them to go to school.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 16:14:53 +0000

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