I work at a homeless shelter in a large downtown Midwestern city. - TopicsExpress


I work at a homeless shelter in a large downtown Midwestern city. The men absolutely love me because I speak the truth to them. I tell them things and challenge them in ways theyve never been challenged. And they thank me for helping see the truth, even though many times that truth cuts to the heart and offends. Ive led many men to Christ and have seen wonderful fruit. One of the reason Im so adamant against false teaching and such is because I work with men daily whose lives have been destroyed by false teaching and teachers! False teaching destroys lives and sends people to hell, I see that daily! Several years ago I used to be an outreach pastor in a comfortable Bible belt suburban type of town. If people got offended they just left and went to another church where they could get their ears tickled. So many pastors arms are tied from speaking the truth and confronting sin, because they know once they start speaking Biblical truth many people will leave their church... We are so thin-skinned and wimpy in this country! We are the most spoiled Christians in the history of the church and we get so easily offended! Many of the same types of people follow this page. And constantly threaten to leave RGC if I make a statement they disagree with. How dare I confront false teachings and name names they say, and they accuse me of being judgmental and not loving. But they dont realize the most loving thing you can do for a Christian whos walking on a dangerous path of false teaching, is to warn them, and plead with them to return back to Christ. Most of you who constantly complain, have no idea what Biblical discipleship is (much of which is rebuke, accountability and correction) and what we need most in this American church-ianity culture weve created is to be corrected, because most of us how no idea what a true Biblical Christian is. People, the gate is narrow and the way is HARD which leads to eternal life and there are FEW who find it. And sadly, the vast majority of professing Christians in this country are not truly saved and thats why they get so offended when I speak Biblical truth and they attack me viciously because they love the darkness and hate the light. Finally, I dont get paid to run this facebook page or RGCs blog. I dont have to water things down to keep membership up, I dont have to report to an evangelical council board and get permission for everything I say, and thats why many people love this page, even if they dont always agree with me, because they know I say many things that most compromised pastors in the country would never say. I run this page in my free time out of my love and desire to help Godly Parents raise Godly Children. Also, I NEVER made this page about me or my personal self-promotion (even though I easily could). This page was never about it me and I made that clear from day one. I couldve profited from this page, spoken at conferences, united with other similar ministries etc...the temptation to compromise would be there and I didnt want to go there... Im a dude, BTW. Im the only individual who has run this page this last three years : - )
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 02:48:15 +0000

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