I worked hard today. Climbing a tree a 100 feet tall with spikes - TopicsExpress


I worked hard today. Climbing a tree a 100 feet tall with spikes on isnt as easy as it sounds, but i absolutely love everything about it. As long as God keeps me strong and as long as God wakes me up. Ill give everyday and everything the best of me. I couldnt do it without him. I couldnt do it with out the prayers of my friends and family. Who ever it maybe calling my name out to him daily. I appreciate you with all my heart. There isnt a person on my list i dont pray for each day. From the way God blesses me and strengthens me, theres alot who pray for me too. Ive found in my life that even when my faith is weak. If yours is strong then you can intercede in prayer for me or me you. And God will hear and strengthen us by other peoples faith. So we dont have to be strong all the time. Just have people who care and love us to be strong and have faith for us. When im weak i promise everyone who reads my status will know. All i need is a couple of you to have faith for me and God will help me. If you find yourself weak at times. I wanna know that about you too. That i may have faith for you and have prayer for you also. Hope you all had a great day today. May God bless you all this evening!!!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 22:55:46 +0000

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