I would Iike to share the story of the bravest man that Ive ever - TopicsExpress


I would Iike to share the story of the bravest man that Ive ever had the Honor of knowing and,Im so proud to call him my daddy,William Olen Epperson. My dad is 85 years old. He and my Mother have been Married for 58 Beautiful years and have always shown us the meaning of true love. He has for 20 years battled chronic illnesses but he never let anything get him down, he always has a smile on his face even when you can see that he is not feeling well he managed to show those beautiful green eyes & bright smile. 5 years ago he spent 6 days in the VA on a vent due to pneumonia but by the Grace of God he got well enough to go home. In late 2011 he developed Alzheimers and in June 2012 was diagnosed with Colon Cancer,stage 3. Due to his chronic lung conditions he was unable to undergo surgery to take out the tumor located in the sigmoid colon, due to his diagnosis of Alzheimers he didnt understand that he has it. In December 2012 both of my Parents Heath started to decline,so, I Resigned my Job position to become their caretaker. It has been the most difficult thing that I have ever experienced in my life. I cant describe what Alzheimers does to a person and how much their affected by everything that they do on a daily basis.My Mother had both a heart attack & a stroke on June 28th and was hospitalized for 7 days where she was affected and placed into a Nursing & Rehabilitation center. 2 weeks later my daddy Joined her.They grew to love it there and enjoyed the company of others their age that they had needed for so long. 4 months later and as of today its been 16 days my daddy has been in the hospital. He started having seizures at the nursing home and was hospitalized for pneumonia,GI bleed due to the colon cancer and blood clots in his right arm.I have watched him day & night go from being on a vent to his arms both becoming so swollen they looked as if theyd crack open. He has been battling so hard to get well but, he has made his Peace as we have. We have expressed our love for him and,told him that if The Lord is ready for him and he feels its his time to go then go and be our special Heavenly Angel. I have held his sweet hand for hours on end and kissed his forehead. Ive told him so very proud I am to have him as my daddy and that I have no regrets in life... Today I was told by his Dr that he will be sent to an acute care long term hospital because theyve done all that they can for him. Treating the clots risks him more blood loss from the cancer, so theirs nothing they can do but make him comfortable. I cant imagine him not being in my Life everyday, its like a bad dream that I cant wake from. I just wanted to share his Journey of HOPE & LOVE for his family. My daddy loves his family more than life, he worried about dying until last year and when I look back I see how he was not only preparing for the days to come himself but, was also preparing us, his family. I love you daddy & my heart aches for you to stay with us but,when I know that you will never suffer again how could I be so selfish as to asked The Lord to keep you here? Youll always be with me in my heart and soul. Your Memory will forever be carried on through the grandchildren. No more worries, no more pain. #Blesseddaughter
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 07:53:49 +0000

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