I would advise those responsible for any upcoming MWAW - TopicsExpress


I would advise those responsible for any upcoming MWAW Meet-n-Greets to withdraw an invite to those who are disruptive and disrespectful of others. For those who are are new to this work and attended yesterday, please know this: Burke Bluemel and Robbie Pace are FAR from a good example of what this Marvelous Work and a Wonder® is all about. Their selfish insistence on making the meeting all about them and their needs is indicative of a couple of unhappy individuals who are looking for value because of their low self-esteem. And if these two are invited to future events, you can count me out. It’s a waste of my time to attend and deliver a message when the likes of these two carry on the way that they do. And those of you who invited people who weren’t really searching for truth or to learn about something new other than their current beliefs, WTF? Kimberly, that was disrespectful and unloving to bring you children to an event where they didn’t want to go. Your children were viscerally upset, uncomfortable … and when I got there, visible shaken at my presence. What the hell were you thinking, Kimberly? What kind of “loving” mother would do that to her kids? (Kimberly’s kids are active LDS/Mormon.) Last night, I had one of the most important messages to deliver of our times; and Wow! I spent most of the time dealing with uncomfortable feelings, the selfishness of Burke and Robbie wanting attention, and questions from the likes of Chip, who hasn’t read one of the books, but wanted to talk about “metrics.” Sigh … I asked that the door be locked so that others couldn’t walk in and disrupt the meeting, coming in without understanding anything about what I meant for those who were there to listen. My compassion kept letting people in. Sigh … And your children … Why in the world would a kid want to attend something where I am to deliver a message? They couldn’t care less about what I am saying and they can become very disruptive to others. Bring you kids to play beforehand and take them home with you before I arrive to speak to those who travel, some at great lengths, to hear the message of this work. I don’t attend these events to party. The partying is done before I come briefly at the end. And if one is too drunk to comprehend the message, I’m wasting my time in coming even briefly. Those who are searching for truth will have to wait until I’m back full-time in my role before I am going to make myself accessible to their inquiries. There’s lots of books to read and many videos to watch. I’m pretty much done with these Meet-n-Greets. You Folks have fun there, and remember, you don’t have to be there; and if the likes of Bluemel and Pace make you uncomfortable, leave. There is nothing about the real truth that requires a free-willed person to subjective oneself to the abuse, rudeness, and negativity of another. For this very reason there are different planets where we can dwell, safely, comfortably, and isolated away from the Bluemels and Paces of this world. Burke and Robbie, you either get a grip on your bullshit or stay away from this work. It isn’t working for you. Except for a public event where everyone is unconditionally invited, I will not attend another event where either of you is in attendance. You’re disruptive, disrespectful, and unkind. Whether these kinds of events continue is the decision of those who want to organize them. But for me … … no thanks. :-)
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 23:54:55 +0000

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