I would ask that all parents read and share this with everyone and - TopicsExpress


I would ask that all parents read and share this with everyone and by every method they can. These are the very reasons we should estoppel anyone espousing ccore be summarily, publicly and humiliatingly removed from education forever. Side bar- saw the latest cc commercial using actors instead of Teachers -seriously do they really believe that the people are soo stupid? Evidently that answer would be sadly- yes... Cheryl KellySONS AND DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY Wednesday at 12:08am This letter was written by a friend of mine in response to a guest who was on the Hugh Hewitt Show and is a defender of Common Core. His name is Dr. Barrett. If you dont know much about Common Core, read this and get the facts. This is another government program being rammed down our throats and its hurting our kids! Hi Hugh- I missed your show last week when Dr. Barrett was on, but read the transcript. GRRRR. He didnt say much that was true. He may have done great damage to Common Core, and certainly to his own credibility, by being so incorrect about so many aspects of it. He was either ill-informed or deceitful. He slammed those of us who oppose Common Core, and you fed into it. You asked him what he would say to a home-schooling mom, or a religious mom who is skeptical about Common Core. How about a mom - just a mom? One does not need to be religious or home-schooling to be skeptical about Common Core; one only needs to care about her children and their welfare. Dr. Barrett said that parents should want their kids to have a world class education, and then alleged that CC provides that. Has he even read the standards? Has he heard James Milgram, mathematician from Stanford - the only mathematics expert on the validation committee - who refused to sign off on the standards? Dr. Milgram is not opposed to standards, as he helped create the standards for over half a dozen states - including Massachusetts, which before CC had the highest standards and student achievement in the country. Dr. Milgram believes in standards, but not those imposed by CC. He has become an activist against them, pointing out their myriad flaws, which include eviscerating geometry by eliminating proofs, and gutting most of algebra 2. He has testified that the CC math standards put American students 2 years behind their international peers by 7th grade, and further behind after that. My children took 2 years of calculus in high school; CC standards take a student through algebra 2. Not trigonometry, not calculus. By CC standards, a student is considered college and career ready with watered down algebra 2 under his belt. Does Dr. Barrett know this? If not, he is dangerously uninformed; if he does, he is a bold-faced liar. Dr. Barrett suggests that those of us who oppose CC do not want our children to have a great education. He appears to be going down the path that Arne Duncan chose - insult those that disagree with you, rather than acknowledge their points and address them. He said that we dont know the current standards in our state, but have been given some speaking points by some people. Is that the best he can do? I would suggest that the person with speaking points here is Dr. Barrett, who cannot seem to get through an entire sentence without misstating the facts. I do know, for instance, that Californias old standard was for algebra 1 to be taught in 8th grade, but the new improved CC standards require it to be taught in 9th grade. When you asked him to address that fact, he danced around it and threw out the claim that these new standards have been aligned to the highest standards in the world. He cannot back that up. He cannot, because it is untrue. Repeating something does not make it true, which is unfortunate for Dr. Barrett, because eight times in your brief conversation he repeated the mantra that Common Core standards were locally created. Sorry, Dr. Barrett. The Common Core standards were created largely by 5 people, some of whom have never taught. David Coleman, the president of the College Board, was one of the two main authors of the English Language Standards. Perhaps Dr. Barrett could tell us where Mr. Coleman got his teaching credential? That was a trick question, because David Coleman has no background in teaching. David Coleman has never raised a child. He has no understanding of child development, yet he spearheaded the rewriting of all curriculum for nearly every student in the country. His impact on millions and millions of innocent children is immeasurable, yet he largely remains unaccountable. The main authors of the math standards have testified that the math standards do not prepare students for careers in STEM subjects, and in fact do not prepare them for a four-year college. Rather, CC math author Jason Zimba admitted that the math standards prepare a student to attend a non-competitive community college. His partner in drafting the math standards, William McCallum, said, The overall standards would not be too high, certainly not in comparison [to] other nations, including East Asia, where math education excels. So please Hugh, ask Dr. Barrett to stop insulting me with snide insinuations that I dont know what Im talking about, and that Ive been told what to say. Pot, meet kettle. Hugh, I have friends and relatives whose children are suffering under the stress of CC elementary school math. Two of my friends are physicians who cannot help their second and third grade children with math homework because it makes no sense. Their kids cry when they do their homework, and they cry on their way to school. And these are the smart kids! Common Core was created with the input of 135 experts in various stages, yet not one of them was familiar with early childhood development. The pressures and expectations imposed on kids as young as five are destructive. Here is a sample of a kindergarten standard: Using a combination of drawing, dictating and writing, students will be able to compose opinion pieces, informative texts, and narratives. These children are 5 and 6 years old. My own sons would have failed kindergarten with this type of demand. (One of those sons is currently getting his MBA at MIT, and the other is a Computer Science major at Cal Poly SLO. They arent stupid. But these standards are beyond their capabilities in kindergarten.) Dr. Barrett should acquaint himself with Piaget, so he can begin to understand the inappropriateness of the primary grade standards. Moms are upset - and not because they are discovering their kids arent geniuses. Moms are discovering that the people who created this program behind closed doors, never tested it, then forced it on all of us, didnt know what they were doing. Dr. Barretts claim that these were locally created would be laughable if the truth werent so toxic. CC imposes demands on young children that are not age-appropriate, creating stress and anxiety. Then, in later grades, the curriculum slows down, putting our children at least 2 years behind international peers. It is bad coming and going. And I havent even touched on the data mining inherent in the system. I was LIVID about that interview on your show. I am tired of these experts who feel its ok to talk down to me because - why, he has a doctorate? Because hes getting funding from someone who wants CC to get pushed through without a hitch? We were all told to shut up and sit down when Obama, Reid and Pelosi shoved Obamacare down our throats. We were called hysterics, we were irrational, and of course, we were racists. I feel like were going down that same path again, and I will not sit down and shut up. Some day I will have grandchildren, and I want them to get a decent education, not the garbage that has been generated by profit-seeking educational oligarchs with no skin in the game. I know that Dr. Barrett will never make good on his pledge to debate Michelle Malkin anytime. She would humiliate him. But maybe he would agree to spar with a know-nothing like me? Anytime, my friend. And I wont even bring my black helicopter! Unlike·Comment·Stop Notifications You like this. Seen by 7
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:00:45 +0000

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