I would ask that each tax payer carefully read what certain - TopicsExpress


I would ask that each tax payer carefully read what certain native Chiefs are going to do regarding publics lands in Ontario. Please note the following specific items the Chiefs mention. “Natives will lay down their lives” to “protect their lands from unwanted development.” What exactly does this mean? What lands are they speaking of? Who determines what constitutes “unwanted development?” Stan Beardy stated that anyone deriving benefit from Ontario’s resources will have to do so subject to certain conditions that must be consistent with traditional native laws and that prior native consent would have to be obtained. Beardy warns “appropriate steps to enforce” these demands will be taken. Beardy fails to explain what is “appropriate.” Apparently, he is fine with enforcement of HIS LAWS on others, but what about enforcement of OUR LAWS Mr. Beardy? Beardy went on to say the land was “sick” and his people are “poor.” Beardy obviously hasn’t met Theresa Spence and a number of others. Btw, what exactly is Beardy paid - tax free – by tax payers? Hopefully Beardy will be quick to report his income so we will all discover how much it costs us to listen to this bullshit. Grand Chief Yesno added his people are not simply going to practice civil disobedience in the future, they will “defend” their lands, which he stated was a “big difference.” Let me try to understand this. Is this character saying breaking our laws and blockading our roadways is no longer enough? Is he saying he is going to take it up a notch or two? Is he trying to say he will harm us if he doesn’t get his way? Is he trying to say he will harm us if we don’t do as he says we must? Exactly what is this coward afraid to say that he has to cloak his words in ambiguity? Beardy clarifies the situation somewhat when he says natives don’t want to “harm others,” but they will do what they must, including “human blockades.” How can human blockades harm us? These sound like weasel words that were added on to lessen the backlash he fears from an outright threat to harm non-natives if we don’t do as he wishes. Roger Fobister of Grassy Narrows reserve stated they - meaning you and I – must consult with them – meaning natives – if we are going to cut down one single tree. Really Roger? Have you forgotten the recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision regarding tree cutting? This group of “Chiefs” have a very unique view of their own importance. I suggest we have John Hannam manager of the Thunder Bay Aboriginal Strategy Liaison Office take a serious look into this matter. Or, we could have Hobbs hold a press conference to deal with this. I presume natives will not get an invite to that press conference which is fine because these are the last people you would EVER wish to invite to ANY crime prevention discussion. Tax payers I ask again, why don’t our elected representatives speak out and call these type of statements exactly what they are : pure bullshit. tbnewswatch/news/national/351148/Ontario-First-Nations-prepared-to-lay-down-their-lives-to-protect-lands-chiefs
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 01:18:58 +0000

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