I would be LIVID with my child if he were to use racial slurs and - TopicsExpress


I would be LIVID with my child if he were to use racial slurs and bully another child. Livid. In fact, one time when one of my sons was 5 years old he threw out the N word after hearing it from a peer at school and I flipped out and lectured him big. Im not okay with racism. I believe in equality. I teach my children this. But now I am at a loss. The bullying continues. Its not just one group of kids. So far its been multiple groups. Every time my sons go out to play they seem to get mocked, threatened, teased and harassed. Its not every kid. Theyve made some friends. And being the only white kids in a neighborhood of hispanics and blacks I expect some ostrasizing. I understand it will happen. Im just frustrated that I have instilled in my sons equality and acceptance and love and they are constantly at the receiving end of racist remarks and bullying. Its unfair. Today, I allowed my 13 year old to stay behind at the park that is at the end of our block with his 5 year old brother while I went home to start dinner. He arrived home 15 minutes later to tell me a group of boys followed them, called them white trash and one pushed him. My problem here is, I feel like some privileged white person whining about something petty. Like it is politically unacceptable to cry racism as a white person. And I will be the first to acknowledge that blacks have to deal with way more BS racism/racial profiling and its not right and its a damn shame. But this doesnt give these black children a right to hurl racial slurs at my kids and put hands on them. Im not asking for advice. Im doing what I can to diffuse situations as they occur. I will not tell my sons to bully back, slur back or hit back. Please do not suggest I do so. Im simply venting and trying to understand. Is my indignation and frustration warranted? Am I wrong? and dear god, I hope not one ounce of this post comes across racist. Im not. On any level. Im just a really upset mama bear that;s got her mind caught confused in regards to political correctedness and human integrity.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:07:44 +0000

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