I would be lying if I said I wasnt crying my eyes out. This video - TopicsExpress


I would be lying if I said I wasnt crying my eyes out. This video is amazing. So many people see so many pictures of little Sam being cute, silly, playing, out & about... I think sometimes it slips our mind that everyday he has to live a completely different life than we get to. He has to take medicine everyday. He has to do treatments everyday. There are so many things I dont take him to do (outside events mostly) just because I know that people can smoke there and he cannot be around it or that there will be too many kids and I dont wanna chance him getting sick. He has to go to the doctors at least 3xs more than a healthy child without CF has to go. He gets out of breath sometimes and any cough or little runny nose is an immediate scare for me. It breaks my heart when we have appointments for him to get chest x-rays.. Him in the little contraption crying for me and me knowing that as hard as it is to watch him cry and get x-rays, blood drawn, different procedures that are normal for him, I know its what has to be done in order to TRY and keep him healthy. So many people take so many things for granted. I listened to doctors tell me the life expectancy for my child.. Telling me how long its expected or average for a person with CF to live. No one wants to hear that late 30s is when you could have to say goodbye to your baby. My God is so much bigger than that, though!!!! Although my faith is stronger than to believe that, its still hard to take in at times. Worrying about what Sam is going to think when he starts school or wants to hang out with friends but has to do treatments and do things that other kids dont have to do. He is my Hero. He has gone through his little life harder than Ive ever had it in my 21 years. I admire him. I want everyone that I come in contact with to be aware or CF. Even if you dont have time to read a lot about it, take the 5 minutes to watch this video and listen to the lyrics. #CureCF #SammysSteppers #CFAware
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 03:16:32 +0000

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