I would be lying if I told you I had it all figured out. I - TopicsExpress


I would be lying if I told you I had it all figured out. I don’t. I still have moments I feel less than enough. There are days I have to remind myself over and over that I am more than my pant size or scale weight…that I am a person that is loved and cherished by some pretty incredible people. Sometimes it is easy to remember I am perfectly imperfect…and other times I struggle getting through the day. I am no longer stage lean and I have no desire to compete again. There are times I feel like I’ve let others down because of this. I fight the demons inside my own head telling me I am too big because of this, I’ve let myself go or I’m no longer worthy of training others because I don’t have a chiseled 6-pack. I’ve made the mistake of assuming others were judging me when in reality most of them were so consumed with their own problems they couldn’t even tell you what I looked like. We are so hard on ourselves, and I wish I had an easy solution to make it stop. I don’t… but I will gladly share what helps me. My husband is amazing in so many ways. He credits his deployment for giving him a new perspective on life. Regardless, I am always humbled and in awe of how he handles every day situations. He doesn’t have time for negative people or talk, and he doesn’t get upset over petty things. He makes me want to do more for others, be a better person and love unconditionally. I’ve found when you turn your focus on others and service, you have less time for things that don’t matter… like the negative self-talk and self-hate. When you see yourself the way your loved ones do, you start to realize you are pretty awesome! I made an effort to just shut up and accept compliments last week. I was amazed how quieting the ‘negative Nancy’ response changed my outlook on things. When my husband tells me I am beautiful, I usually respond with a reason why I am not. This week I smiled and thanked him. I had a client thank me for making a difference in their life. Before I would have immediately dismissed it and let them know it wasn’t me, it was them. This time I thanked them and I will be honest….it felt really good to be told I helped them. I have been 130lbs and 170lbs. I’ve had a thigh gap and thigh chafe. I’ve had 6-pack and a belly roll. I promise you this- I was never satisfied or happy with either body I had. I always stood in front of the mirror and looked at everything that was wrong with it. If your focus is solely on your physical appearance, you will never be happy either. Happiness is not found on the outside. It’s something that can only be found within. I challenge you to spend a little less time hating what you see in the mirror and more time loving the wonderful things around you. #weareenough
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 02:55:08 +0000

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