I would grab a long drink, get the feet up, turn the Television - TopicsExpress


I would grab a long drink, get the feet up, turn the Television off for now you are about to peruse a scribing experience not visualised thus far this season . . . The Continuing Evolution of the U11 Black Red n Green Machine from N22. An overview of our visit to the Sunshine Capital of the East and the Southend Spartans Minis Festival from an under 11s perspective. This being one of our longest away days would test the very fabric of the heart, passion and desire of the entire Black Red n Green U11 squad. Distractions a plenty, large time lapses between games. This is Festival Footie in the Southern Heartland. With the Coaches meeting complete it was time for an early lunch and a chat with friends. Just when I thought I couldn’t be surprised by my players and parents they pull another great effort out of the proverbial bag and I end up with a squad of 19 eager players anticipating opportunity. Awaiting the paying populous would be four games of 11-a-side Powerhouse Rugby League played in perfect English conditions, a cooling south easterly with a hint of sunshine, enough for sunfactor 30from last year’s collection!! The words of the day as always would be Team, Support and Defence; Work for your friends in attack and defence and support the support runner. The first rubber would be against our welcoming hosts who we have yet to play this season so this would be a good tester to begin the festival. A slow beginning by both teams would see some slow play the balls which played into our hosts hands as they found a gap and run through for the opening score. This seemed to inspire the Black Red n Green, who with some great tackling and pressure would produce a knock on just inside the halfway line. From the scrum we picked up and attacked the space, with some great support running attracting defenders like flies to a burning bush we dummied to the support runners and a hole opened up and we sailed right through for the equalising score. We were now in the ascendancy and on our game. The pressure our forwards were exerting on our hosts was beginning tell and we forced a kick on the last tackle. Some great play would see another scrum set up for the boys from N22. Would we go the same way, Southend thought so, we attacked the space, the defence all came in and the pass went to our support runner who took on two defenders for the score and the victory. At the same time Oliver and Dylan stepped up and played their hearts out for Croydon too who also posted an opening victory, great effort from the boys after game one. How would we fare in game two against our Nemesis from up the M1, the Hemel Stags, we would see. A change in personnel and an offer of some of the boys playing for Hemel would see another 11-a-side tussle between these two giants of Southern Heartland Rugby league. Thanks to Oliver, Neerosh, Finn and Ethan D for getting stuck in and giving all in the name of SkolarsRL. Not a backward step taken, both teams playing Rugby on the front foot. So much so that Hemel stepped up a gear found Ethan D prowling like a lion on the outside and put his foot down before any would be tacklers could lay a hand on him as his straight-line running saw him through to the try line. What a great score! From the quick play the ball we began to assert ourselves and potential for a levelling score saw the Black Red n Green take the game by the scruff of the neck and wrench it. Some powerful marker play saw us defending on the front foot for long periods of the eight minute game. From one such play it turned into a footrace between Owen and the oncoming attackers both battling for position and would see only one winner and the score. A great individual defensive effort rewarded by a try, great work. This awoke the sleeping Giant of the Skolars, once again we pounced and some great interplay by the forwards and we were over the whitewash once more. The team were really playing well. Another great move saw us challenging their defence once more in their own half getting closer to the goal line and ultimate destiny. With the return of some players from previous weeks making some great passes in the backfield found an opening and taking on two would be tacklers for the another leading score. As the confidence rose Hemel pounced with some great work by the Skolars boys and found a gap and punished us with a last score but time ran out leaving us as victors. The next matchup saw us take on a well coached Invicta Panthers side who gave us the runaround at our Perth Road the last time these two teams met. A lot of scores to settle, a mouth-watering tie for the watching public. Straight into the action, a great leave at the kick-off saw a steamrollering run make the hard yards. Some great play the balls and support play saw a truer forwards score over the line from short distance against a host of defenders, great power and ball control. This opened the flood gates for the Skolars as time and again the Black Red n Green pressurising the attack of the Panthers. The boys had come to play and were now showing the full array of skills. Another great run set up a quick play the ball and with a shimmy shake opened a gap and went the length of field, great vision, great build up play too. The forward pack was now dominating in the middle with all making the hard yards and the big tackles. It wasn’t long before another great run and play the ball saw another score. The sense of urgency throughout the team was felt all around as they all charged back looking for the next tackle to seal our opponent’s fate. Some great interplay in the final seconds saw a great score and power through whilst battling two defenders but somehow got the ball down for the final score of the game and another great win for the Black Red n Green of N22. The final rubber of a long morning’s rugby would be between North and South of the river. On one side laying in wait would be Le Dragon De Medway and on the other us. Once again two of the boys stepped up to take on the might of the Skolars, Thomas and Tariq, and once again proudly flew the Skolars flag whilst in opposition. No let up in this one, the boys earlier efforts and time lapses beginning to show signs as missed tackles were afoot and Medway somehow got one down for an early lead. This was pulled back after some great action at Play the ball. Some great decision making saw an equalising score that now set the tone for the final few minutes. From the play the ball Medway attacked with speed and with Thomas in support accepted the offload and scored in the corner. Medway back in the lead, an end to end try fest this one. The tired legs were kicking in but with the same attitude our boys have week in week out were making the tough tackles and making some great passes to get us close to the goal line but to no avail. The very next play found Tariq with ball in hand and with a great step opened the field and gave the Dragons the lead. Again we came back with some power plays and great hands passing from dummy half found a barnstorming run who drove over the line for the equalising score. Would this be enough?? Unfortunately not as Medway came forward the ball found its way into Tariq’s hands again for the final score and the victoire. From a coaching standpoint I would class this as a moral victory for us as our boys bagged three of their four tries. A great morning, afternoon’s rugby for the boys from N22, the Black Red n Green of the Skolars U11s. To some this may sound monotonous but for me these boys are playing rugby the way I would like them too. They are looking out for their mates, they are getting two and sometimes three in the tackle, after every game they are smiling, and during every game they are talking to each other. These festivals are very long days and the boy’s attitude today was top notch. It is a real pleasure to coach all of our children. I have had 30 children don the colours this season and not one has let me down. Each week they go out and put their bodies on the line and come off smiling and make me prouder every week I coach them. This is why I love this game and love to coach. The future is bright, the future is Black Red n Green, the future is Skolars Rugby league of N22. Yours in Rugby
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:15:33 +0000

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