I would hate to lack one thing I went to the Social Security - TopicsExpress


I would hate to lack one thing I went to the Social Security office with someone last week. Our county doesn’t have a SS office, so the closest one is over 50 miles away in another county. A lawyer had helped us so we thought we had everything we needed. I don’t know if you have ever been to a SS office, but it is not a pleasant experience, at least this one is not. Besides having to bring one or two books to read the rent-a-cop is very rude. He kept yelling at people to take their phone calls outside and not to bring any food or drink inside. There were no signs, just his bombing angry voice. One elderly man walked in with a cup of coffee and he yelled across the room “Get out of here with that drink.” The poor man nearly dropped his coffee. He could have been nicer and just walked over and calmly told the man that it wasn’t allowed, but I really think he preferred exercising the power of the captive audience. After he screamed at a young lady whose phone rang, I determined that if he was rude to one more person I was going to let him have it. Of course, then we would most likely get kicked out, but I cannot stand abuse of power, especially from a glorified mall cop. So I bit my tongue until our number was finally called. We got up to the window and said here is all we need; this, this, and that. The lady looked over what we had and said “Well yes, you do need all these things, but you still lack one thing.” “What? What do you mean?” “Yes, you still need another form Blah, Blah, and it needs to be certified.” “What? Do you mean we have drove all this way and waited and still need another form?” “Yes,” she said shoving all our things back through the little window. “Next” she yelled. “Where do we get this?” we asked. “You will need to get one at the courthouse.” she replied. And not the courthouse in that county, or back in our own county, but all the way to another county. We had to go get it and come back and wait all over again. That lawyer told us we had all we needed, that lawyer is a (Insert happy thoughts here). Anyway, it got me to thinking. A certain young man came to Jesus and asked Him one of the most important questions in the history of the world. “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17-22) Well, you know the story, the young man listed all he had done, but then Jesus sadly said, “But you lack one thing.” Can you imagine a person living all their life, doing all the good things they can think of, going to church and singing in the choir, and giving half their incomes to the poor, only to get before the judgment seat of Christ and be told “Yet, you lack one thing.” This is important stuff folks! I do not want to miss heaven by an inch. What was the one thing the young man lacked? It is something I fear most will lack, their own deaths. I don’t mean a physical death, but a sacrificial spiritual death when we give Christ our lives. So many want (and plan) to share in His resurrection but are unwilling to share in His death? Rom 6:5 For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, What part of “You are not your own” (1 Cor 6:1, Rom 14:8, 2 Cor 5:15) don’t we understand? What part of “Taking up our own cross and follow Him” (Matt 10:38, Matt 16:24-26, Matt 10:38-39) don’t we understand? Jesus could not have been more clear when He said, “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” (Matt 10: 38) Some people want a savior (someone to save them) but do not want a Lord (someone to rule them). To choose Jesus is to choose both, you can’t have one without the other. You must relinquish control of your life to Him. It is a daily choice. Not that we can’t enjoy any of this life, but He must be first, and not last. Jesus will not compete with the world or anything in the world. (1 Joh 2:15, Col 3:2-3) Not even with your friends. (Gal 1:10) There might be something in your life that you need to give up to follow Jesus. Jesus wants to be first, second place is not good enough. It’s a simple (and easy) choice. We give him our temporary life in exchange for His eternal life. This is where we decide that we will live for Him, not ourselves. That we will be obedient to His will and His Word. Please, please! Do not lack one thing on that day, but give your hearts and lives to Jesu and follow Him. Following Jesus will not always be easy, but it will be the most exciting, fulfilling, and joyful life a person can have.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:49:25 +0000

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