I would like all of the saints to know that God loves you all and - TopicsExpress


I would like all of the saints to know that God loves you all and that there is no attack of the adversary which can separate you from the love of JHVH. The Devil wishes to bring you under condemnation for being yet weak in the faith according to actions which you may still be comitting.Dont listen to the lies of the devil which tell you that you are not a real Christian . WhATEVER YOU ARE STILL STRUGGELING WITH, dont give up on god to bring you through. Scripture says that while we were yet sinners Jesus died for us. He knew He wasnt getting a good deal from the jump,. and He died for you anyway. Dont listen to the condemning, and accusing lies of the devil. Know that Jesus died for YOU, so you have to be somebody very special, and somebody worth the very life of our savior. The adversary doesnt want you to know that we all have status in Jesus Christ. We have died with Him and are risen with Him, and are seated with Him in Heavenly places In, and with Him. We are already declared righteous according to The merits and finished work of Jesus, we only need to do as Jesus said to His disciples, FOLLOW ME. We are to carefully study the gospels, and strive daily to die to self rule, and to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ. He moved according to the revelation of the Holy Spirit, so we are to submit ourselves to the leadership of The Holy spirit, and follow whatever He reveals to us by faith. We are to develop the same prayer life as our Lord, rising before dawn to pray to, and hear from God our Father. Jesus said I only do what I see The Father do, and I only say what I hear The Father say.We have an entire Bible to learn from. Study to show your self approved a workman unto God, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH. We have been Justified through our faith in The Son of God. Dont listen to the whispers of the enemy, which say that you cant be a Christian because of a sin you still struggle with, and dont listen to the accusing lies of Satan which tell you that you cant be saved, look at what you did. We have a mediator in Heaven who intercedes on each of our behalfs, when we fall short. We only need to understand the Holy Spirits conviction upon our hearts, and repent of our sins, and our Father is ready and willing to forgive us and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. Satan fights for controll of our Minds, we need only to take captive our every thought unto the obedience of Jesus Christ, and do this every time negative, un scriptural thoughts are spoken to our minds. the deception is that we believe that it is us introducing these thoughts to our minds when its not. The enemy tries to make us believe that the thoughts are our own when they arent. He ids very slick and subtle. we need only measure our thoughts up to what Gods word exp0resses about everything in life. Then we can experience true liberty and freedom in Christ. Monitor your EVERY thought, and see where theyre coming from..Resist the devil and he must flee from you. It is JHVHS word. Brother Michael,.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 22:48:49 +0000

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