I would like people to read some of the comment on huha - TopicsExpress


I would like people to read some of the comment on huha page HUHANZ June 30 · Edited WE HAD THE LAW ON OUR SIDE AND ISSI IN OUR HEARTS! Its been a tricky few months at HUHA watching a local pig used for breeding living in filth, sad and depressed. One of Issis caregivers told us that pigs love mud and we should just leave her be. But a year worth of poo and wee accumulating in a pen in our books does not make for mineral rich and refreshing mud baths. Its been a long slow battle getting Issi to freedom. But after her owner was trespassed from his lease holding we finally had an opportunity to get this sweet girl out. With help from the police, yesterday at 5pm we sighed with relief as the gentle giant was loaded on our trailer and heading back to our Kaitoke Sanctuary. Clearly stressed from a life as a breeding sow it was a tearful moment watching Issi walk on grass for the first since being penned. Her eyes are still blood shot from the high stench of her living conditions. But it wont be long before this beautiful girl understands that she is safe....no more breeding, no more pens, no more loneliness. She has 13acres of grass and piggy friends to enjoy and we cant wait to watch her thrive:0) More Issi updates to come:0) Issi lived for a year in the stench of poo and wee, raising piglets that were taken from her for meat. There was no escape:0( Phew, easing the gentle giant on to the tailor keeping stress to a minimum was a great achievement:0) Finally safe in paradise t HUHA Kaitoke, you can see in Issis eyes that she has been through a lot...it will be good to see update pics and watch her flourish! 2,404282156 SharesShare Top Comments Lisa Lowther, Anne Roche and 2,402 others like this. Kylee Johnson Can I sponsor her HUHA? 28 · June 30 at 6:14pm HUHANZ Yayyy Yes please, it the kindness of sponsors that keep us going! contact.huha@gmail :0) 4 · June 30 at 6:29pm Kylee Johnson Cool. Will email when I get home. I would love to meet her and giver her cuddles and scratches behind the ears. 13 · June 30 at 6:31pm View more replies Lynsey Galloway Well done Huha. Dogs maybe euthanised but itd be for the dogs best interest and the most humane thing. There are some disgusting people making horrid comments. I have every faith and confidence in what you guys do. Keep up the great work 7 · June 30 at 7:20pm HUHANZ Hi Lynsey, to be honest we havent had to euthanize a dog for 3years. And back then it was one dog for medical reasons (brain tumour) and one dog for aggression issues...we often wonder if we would still have let them go if we knew then what we know now...we are not sure, but the mazing fact is since those two and an old horse with a broken hip we have not had to make the decision to end a life for 3 years. Thats why we say we have been no kill for 3years ...we insist on full transparency and we are proud of it!! 12 · June 30 at 9:08pm Lynsey Galloway You guys are awesome. You are the animals angels. I believe in what you do and support your decisions 100% I was disgusted at the guys comments and I was trying to justify that if you had to euthanise an animal it wouldnt be an easy decision or one that youd take lightly. Full transparency is the way to go. Thanks again guys 2 · June 30 at 9:37pm Eleena Kennedy The arrogance of people! Pigs like mud yes for warmth and sunscreen, the earth for food! Its appalling people trapping animals in human ownership then deny them the respect and rights of animal husbandry. Wonderful this beautiful girl had people to fight for her rights. 4 · June 30 at 6:22pm Kirstin McNabb Seriously Bub? What qualifies you to be the expert on this site? 1 · June 30 at 7:26pm View more replies Samantha Randall You guys are brilliant. 21 · June 30 at 5:37pm Anna Quilliam Agreed, if only the rest of the countrys piggies can feel this joy like Issi can now. Couldnt watch Sundays expose, the ad showed enough, bloody disgusting. Something must be done to shut these factories down. 10 · June 30 at 6:51pm Susan Judd a very special show of help! June 30 at 7:09pm Linda Barnett Hope the cruel prat that had her doesnt get more animals. 14 · June 30 at 5:48pm Lynsey Galloway Again, evidence 1 · June 30 at 7:17pm Christy Joy You guys are saving the world, one soul at a time. Thank you for being the good news. 13 · June 30 at 5:44pm Emma Fairs You all do amazing work!!well done. We have 10acres in Canterbury if u ever need some home for larger animals !! We are full on cats and dogs but have plenty of paddock space!! 12 · June 30 at 6:34pm HUHANZ Sorry everyone, blocking folk is not usually our style, but we just dont have the time to trawl for these select few trolls and to be honest anyone who thinks that living in filth was an OK lifestyle for Issi in our books does not have her best interests in mind. 3 · July 1 at 12:56pm Meg Hayes Pigs do not like filth, they are very clean creatures. Their love of mud is a wallow to nourish their skin and protect it from the sun. A little like humans aye. 9 · June 30 at 7:37pm Tee Taiaroa btw the owner should be chained to her pen n left in the stench for a week 9 · June 30 at 6:17pm Karina Lagreze You are an example of love, kindness, empathy and strength to all of us, thanks to you all, we will be much better human beings. THANK YOU!!!!! 9 · June 30 at 6:14pm Antoinette Wilcox Breaks my heart that she had to bear such horrible conditions, especially as we know how intelligent pigs are. It lifts my spirits though to know that shes now going to live the rest of her days being loved and well cared for. 7 · June 30 at 6:33pm Nina K Thank you for doing what you do. Hopefully that look of hopelessness will soon disappear from her eyes. To Issi. 7 · June 30 at 5:49pm Lynsey Galloway Evidence 1 · June 30 at 7:17pm View more replies Lauren Elliott Tears in my eyes well done HUHA 6 · June 30 at 5:49pm Patricia Bučelis I watched the Sunday programme last night and vowed NEVER EVER to eat farmed pork again. All the best 3 · June 30 at 10:51pm Belinda Jayne Hussey Im assuming this Bub Sheary person had something to do with owning this big pig....stop trolling!!!! 5 · June 30 at 7:18pm Beverley Brown Thankfully HUHA are there for all these animals what a fantastic organisation and wonderful people who dont give up just cause the going gets tough. 5 · June 30 at 6:27pm Danielle Daals You guys are truly wonderful! Thank god theres ppl and organisations like yourselves to help these innocent defensless animals 5 · June 30 at 6:10pm Ketana Saxon I LOVE the work you do!!! In a world where so often humans heap destruction and misery on animals, other creatures as well as each other, it is so heartening to see people who respect and care for animals and rescue them from suffering. 5 · June 30 at 6:05pm Rebecca Walton I wish you could name and shame ... 4 · June 30 at 6:22pm Ani Capper Pigs do not love mud (what a dumbass statement) but they do like to roll around in it during the hot summer months as it cools their body....they actually hate living in muddy conditions, it stresses them & can adversely affect the taste of their meat. Pigs are generally clean animals & will thrive in clean conditions (as with any animal or human) 9 · June 30 at 5:48pm Dale Rosvall Wonderful! God how many more are there like this I wonder!! I am ashamed that this is happening in New Zealand! 9 · June 30 at 5:44pm Tammie Wharton This is so so wonderful xx you guys are amazing I LOVEEEE PIGS X 3 · June 30 at 7:38pm Hayley Harding Bub Sheary how can you think rescuing a poor helpless pig from such conditions is wrong? Do you not have a heart? Stop commenting. No one wants to hear from you if you are going to say stupid things. HUHA, you are amazing! 3 · June 30 at 7:28pm Adrienne Stevens Why should it have to be a waiting game when it comes to animal safely and welfare? And nit least happiness? ?? Just txt me and I will rescue them I dont care if its illegal. As Im sure all of us would do it! What is disturbing is red tape comes before animal welfare dumb law I say 3 · June 30 at 7:00pm Robyn Cliff Awesome work - you people are amazing angels. 2 · June 30 at 9:28pm Juliette Greene I am amazed by some peoples complere disregard for life. Caring for and having animals is something we should all do and treasure even if one day they will be dinner. I am off pork for good. 2 · June 30 at 9:07pm Sharon Clark Pigs eyes really do say it all dont they!!! 2 · June 30 at 8:29pm Marjorie NZ Well done Huha!!!! You saved her. Issi will finally know what it feels like to be free, loved and respected. She can be a pig at last. 2 · June 30 at 7:58pm Kathryn Henshaw Oh man.,. All the emotions! Xxxxx 2 · June 30 at 6:39pm Sian Tate Shes going to be in piggy paradise ♡ 2 · June 30 at 6:36pm Bev Glendon Thank you Lord that she is safe 2 · June 30 at 6:35pm Helen Forrest Oh her eyes!! God bless HUHA!! Another angel in the making. 2 · June 30 at 6:27pm Lindy Wright Beautiful girl...she is in the care of angels now 2 · June 30 at 6:26pm Haley Ryan You do some fantastic work. It is such a pleasure watching your team save such precious animals. 2 · June 30 at 6:24pm Jamie Whiteman Could this be Rodneys new friend 1 · June 30 at 11:08pm Shona Sherriff OMG go HUHA! 2 · June 30 at 6:23pm Nicky Cadogan Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you all HUHA 2 · June 30 at 6:18pm Renee Lang So do I! June 30 at 7:02pm Tee Taiaroa omg how can b so cruel just love HUHA to bits me bless you all so happy miss piggy finally will have freedom 2 · June 30 at 6:16pm Leonie Leighton God Bless you all again ...your kindness to all things animal makes my heart sing Go Issi 2 · June 30 at 6:08pm Karen Veldhoen You rock HUHA! 2 · June 30 at 6:06pm Emma Kell Made me cry. You guys are amazing xo 2 · June 30 at 5:47pm Gaye Eyre I love pigs, they are so sensitive and intelligent, glad shes happy 2 · June 30 at 5:43pm Sue McAdam OMG Im almost in tears! How can we call ourselves caring human beings!! 2 · June 30 at 5:43pm Katee Stokman This is so awesome!! Bless her , shes beautiful the poor girl! 2 · June 30 at 5:43pm Diane Tecofsky her eyes look so sad, bless you and everyone involved for given her the life she deserves 2 · June 30 at 5:42pm Ree Hunt Shes so beautiful 2 · June 30 at 5:38pm Heather Anne Harris Once again ,well done HUHA , 2 · June 30 at 5:37pm Jenny Cunliffe Bub sheary Ill put you in a pen living in your own shit and have you raped repeatedly obviously you would love that as you think the pig does!! 4 · June 30 at 7:20pm
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 05:16:29 +0000

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