I would like to appeal all members here to observe caution at all - TopicsExpress


I would like to appeal all members here to observe caution at all times. What we are doing here is not a kids game, its a serious business. In order to make you understand my point let me explain to you what we are actually fighting against. We are not fighting against one Muslim or a bunch of Muslims, we are fighting against an ideology, an ideology which has 1.4 billions followers worldwide, an ideology which is not only deceptive in its very nature but extremely violent as well. The followers of this ideology believe that anything they do including rape and murder if its in the path of Allah its justified and forgiven in advance by Allah. Now when you post comments on here or anywhere else you are NOT offending ONE Muslim but Muslims worldwide which means those living in your neighborhood as well. When I say we are fighting an ideology it means our enemy doesnt have a face. It could be anyone, anyone in your city or neighborhood, office, school or institution etc. So when you post comments against them it can be seen by anyone and those anyone could be someone living in your neighborhood as well, may be he is living in some other city but felt so offended by your comment that he decided to teach you a lesson. What step next he would take? Trace your location by checking your profile, identify your family members, select the most vulnerable of your family member as target and then do whatever he plans to do. Worst part is that you cant do a shit when so much planning has gone into committing a crime, neither can police because determining the motive in such a case where the attacker is complete stranger is often very difficult. I always advise my female friends to use fake accounts but somehow they Dont Listen to me, continue posting comments on different forums with images of their kids all over their profile! You want to fight these psychopaths I appreciate your bravery but putting your family at risk, yourself at risk, your kids at risk, is not bravery, its foolishness. I am not scaring anyone out here, I am just requesting you to be cautious. If anyone of you decide to switch to fake profiles let me tell you something so that it does remain a fake profile. Never add anyone from your real life, if you do make sure the person has a fake account as well. Do not post too many images on your profile, do not post any comments on your images which gives a clue to those trying to trace out your location which in turn means no personal discussions, no mentioning of people or places. Furthermore, do not share personal details with anyone you add to your profile with which you can be traced out, no skype with anyone unless you have a complete picture of the person in your mind; address, LL telephone number, name of parents, education, age, gender I mean as much as you can get. Both your real profile and fake ones should have strict privacy settings. Go to settings, click on privacy, down below it says; 1) Who can see your future posts? Change it either to Friends or Me. 2) Who can send you friend requests? Change it to Friends of Friends. 3) Whose messages do I want filtered into my Inbox? Change it to Strict Filtering. 4) Who can look you up using the email address you provided? Change it to Friends. 5) Who can look you up using the phone number you provided? Change it to Friends. and last but not the least 6) Do you want other search engines to link to your timeline? Change that setting to NO. This way if someone wants to Google you he or she wont be able to do it. Play Safe, Stay Safe. Your Safety Comes First! Thank you. PS Keep your password length to 12 or more digits including alphabets, signs and numbers. Thank you. Tony Valachi
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 00:10:36 +0000

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