I would like to ask you to bear with me for a few random thoughts. - TopicsExpress


I would like to ask you to bear with me for a few random thoughts. Over four months ago, the City of Galena made public their intention to enter into a contract with Jordan Disposal to construct a new, state of the art sanitation landfill. The first phase included enhanced recycling facilities that would substantially reduce the input to the actual landfill, bringing our area into compliance with anticipated recycling mandates. As expected, we received some backlash from area residents. The Council felt that perhaps they were moving too fast, so all actions were suspended to allow more time for public comment. Since that time, I have frankly been blindsided by the nature of the comments as well as the actions from the opposition. We have been accused more crimes than I care to repeat, a wide range of moral indiscretions, illegal business practices, and in short, supposedly engaging in the depths of corruption. The allegations have finally reached the level of a grand jury inquisition. Crazy stuff! If you live in the City of Galena, I would like to direct these comments specifically to you. I have served with many good men and women through the years, but this particular group we have on the Council is without a doubt the finest examples of public servants I have ever had the pleasure to serve with. The Council was informed how difficult this process would be, but without exception, every member put aside their personal comfort and virtually threw themselves into the fire for the benefit of the City. No one, no employee, no member of the governing board, NO ONE has been paid or received promise of personal gain throughout this process. No laws knowingly broken. Of all this I am very confident. Your governing board is elected, but without pay, to make very difficult choices. Will this make money? I would hope so! Every aspect of the successful operation of any City requires money. Has nothing to do with greed. Has everything to do with reality. Want good roads? Dependable sewer? Safe, good tasting water? Quality parks? Strong police and fire protection? Every bit of this requires money. If we depend strictly on tax revenue, none of us could afford to live here. Your governing board already has a proven history of how they handle extra money. Roughly half is invested in community improvements like parks, roads, storm sirens, and infrastructure. The balance has been refunded to the residents via mill levy reductions. Current services require over 60 mills to keep things status quo. If the City would be fortunate enough to own a sanitary landfill, it is anticipated that we could reduce our mill levy by nearly 50%. I have had a long term dream of developing enough enterprise, or non tax based income that we could totally eliminate our property tax levy. Now wouldnt that be awesome? It is a lofty goal, and I may never see it, but that vision is what pushes me on. I have said all that to say this. The firestorm your governing board has been enduring has been very exhausting, and it is far from over. They have sacrificed time, energy, and endured brutal and unwarranted attacks on their character to benefit the entire City. They have earned and deserve our greatest respect. I, for one, am so very proud of our City Council. I am proud to call them friends. As we approach this Thanksgiving season, please remember to be gracious and thankful to all those who serve us so well.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:06:26 +0000

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