I would like to clear up some things about adoption- I recently - TopicsExpress


I would like to clear up some things about adoption- I recently received a message that really hurt me. It said something like is it really fair to fundraise to buy a child????????? First off none of my children are bought. Just like when you give birth to a child you pay the hospital whether it be through insurance, co pays, self pay, etc correct?? Then you spend thousands a year to raise and provide for that child correct??? Well that is what it is. We are paying for the legal aspect of them to become our own and have our name, we are paying for care that they have received , we are paying for flight to our country, we are paying for the requirements and red tape that come with the 50.000 documents we have to fill out. I do not get money for adopting other than a tax return like you do when you claim a dependent except in one of our childs cases but its pennies on the dollars if you only knew what I need to do with this child daily. I work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week I do not get vacation time I do not get weekends off I do not even get over nights off. Adoption is not for the faint hearted it is extremely hard to raise special needs children and by know means is it cheap regardless. It is truly a calling by God for certain people. I am grateful to my family we have been through a lot. I know they have all given and continue to and it makes me proud but for someone to say I buy my children I would have to disagree we work our butts off for our children and its not always perfect but I know my children are loved, they have enjoyed many things in life, and they know how to give , experience let downs in life, and enjoy the triumphs ....that makes for a better person in the future. So please any of you that support us for real reasons please consider donating to Tian and those of you that dont please feel free to unfriend me as I will always advocate for adopted children.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 15:25:25 +0000

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