I would like to engage in a little healthy debate like we heard we - TopicsExpress


I would like to engage in a little healthy debate like we heard we should encourage last night. I want to reach across aisles and know we can agree to disagree. I want to say first and foremost I am proud to be an American were we have stupid people like Michael Moore and Seth Rogan free to be as ignorant as they want and we will protect them. I am not a war monger. I do not at this time own a fire arm (I use to and can shoot straight). I want our troops home and safe if at all possible. Unfortunately we do not live in a world where that is possible. My son is only 5. One option he will have when he comes of age is to join the military. It would be great if everybody respected those that fought for our country but if we remember Vietnam-so many did and do not. When I mentioned joining the service out of high school I had people in my life tell me what a mistake it would be. They were wrong. I was wrong. Had I went in I would have tried for sniper training. All that being said I have to say about the Michael Moore comment…cowards…the point of war is not to be fair. War is chaos and violence at its zenith. Nothing about war is fair and everyone is a coward. I would love to see Michael Moore’s version of war. America was founded by snipers. Snipers have a special place in combat. They are lethal and effective. If they are on your side they are heroes. If they are on the enemy’s side they are heartless murdering bastards. War is Hell. War is not ethical. War is evil. Snipers are a necessary evil just like war. Somebody has to stand up to Isis, Nazi’s, Saddam’s and the like. War unfortunately is the only way as was proven when appeasement fails miserably prior to WWII and with Iraq and countless other times. I am not saying every military person is a hero. I am not saying anything to try and glorify war. War kills people and ruins lives. What I am saying is in a world where war is necessary we should respect those that have chosen to defend our country and our freedoms. It would be great if wars were fought by the stupid bastards that started them (I think I borrowed this from David Brin). If that was the case we have much fewer and shorter wars. It would be great if war was fair and no one could call cowardice on another. I know with our troops I want snipers to protect them. I do not want fairness. I want drones and smart bombs and any strategy that protects my fellow Americans lives while they fight for us. Those of you that recently read about my cousin Tech Sergeant Bill Sager being killed here in America after serving overseas-he was blindsided and with no warning pushed by Jeffrey Basil -a coward -down a flight of stairs and his skull was fractured. I respect police and law enforcement but off duty cops contributed to his death when they more than anyone else should have been trying to help and save him. They tried to remove the video of the attack. They handcuffed him after dragging his lifeless body outside and propping him against a wall and waited over twenty minutes to call 911 for help and hindered others trying to help. They told arriving officer false and misleading information. Those men are not heroes (they could have acted like heroes but sadly for my family-they chose not to) but so many other police go out each night taking food, blankets and other relief purchased out of their own pockets to those that need it (Thank you Brian Shore, the Late Bill Lowe and countless others). Not all law enforcement are heroes but those cowardly few should not stop us from glorifying those who are good and moral and just. Let’s be clear what cowardice is. Let’s be clear what a hero is. A hero tries to save people when chaos has taken over and lives are threatened or ending. A hero risks everything to make the best of an impossible situation. A coward attacks an innocent person without warning either verbally, psychologically or physically and then hides behind others who have to fight for their actions. Chris Kyle tried to save lives of American soldiers by being the most effective sniper he could be. He was on our side. He saved our soldiers lives. By definition he was a hero. Jeffrey Basil who attacked an unsuspecting innocent defender of our country and tried to hide behind his action using his police and judicial and political connections-is a coward. Seth Rogan and Michael Moore by definition still need tickets to the clue train.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 15:39:34 +0000

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