I would like to express my appreciation to those that have liked - TopicsExpress


I would like to express my appreciation to those that have liked my page and supported my campaign. I have withdrawn my candidacy and endorsed Mike Parsons. We are fighting to Stop Common Core in Alabama. The most important part of this race is removing the person we all voted for in the last election who has sold out the children of Alabama, Mary Schultz aka Mary Scott Hunter. She continues to ignore her constituency and continues to lie about Alabamas ability to make changes in our standards which directly affects the curriculum. The standards Alabama currently has in place are the COPYRIGHTED Federal Common Core standards. Placed side by side they match up word for word. The only deviation allowed is the ability to add no more than 15% extra content. Due to the extremely poor methodology required to be used by the Federal Common Core math Alabama has used 14% of that to try to repair the damage that is already occurring to our childrens education using the Federal Common Core standards for Math. The chart she and Bice presented at the Jackson Center dog and pony show last June clearly showed Alabama was already higher in their standards and they both admitted that. Therefore, why would any competent person want to implement something that was inferior to what was already in place? Mary Schultz is supported by the Business Council of Alabama and the Chamber of Commerce. The National Chamber of Commerce has received millions of dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to push the Federal Common Core. They are also giving money to the National PTA which is pushing the propaganda down to the state and local PTA groups. Follow the money. Those of us opposing the federal take over of our schools are NOT being paid to do so. We do not have sugar daddys paying us to sell our souls for a bag of gold and silver. We fight for love of our children and for real learning.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 04:30:10 +0000

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