I would like to give my testimony on FB today... Most ppl know my - TopicsExpress


I would like to give my testimony on FB today... Most ppl know my son, Casten Reed has asthma. The type of asthma he has, when having an asthma attack, he is able to breathe through. We were informed by the pulmonary doctor that is the worst type bc by the time u realise u r in trouble and cant breathe u could die bc u have already used all of ur reserved oxygen. Therefore Casten hardly ever complains about his inability to breathe so we, his family, has to watch for signs that he may be having difficulty. ( I know this may sound kinda silly that a person doesnt know when they cant breathe, but believe it happens.) I also pray to God often to not let me be too overprotective and not worry about Casten, bc I know to worry is sin, so I have to ask God to show me when and if he is having trouble. The sign we look for is when he is playing ball, he is shrugging his shoulders, he may sometimes sound as if he is hoarse, he sounds as if he is repeatedly clearing his throat, even wheezing. So a few weeks ago, he started getting hoarse, then it would get better. He ran fever a couple times, while we were on vacation, but it never really got him down. So I started to get concerned. I talked to my sister and she was like that is not normal for him to be hoarse for such a prolonged period of time so u may want to take him to the dr. Well I started giving him prednisone and I thought this should clear him up, but nothing really change. Then football practice started and I was thinking Lord if my child gets out there and collapses, I will never forgive myself, but I was still trying not to worry, bc Casten never said anything. Then I started noticing dark areas underneath his eyes and then I asked Lord is is time for me to get him checked out? So I called the dr to schedule an appt, thinking it will probably at least 3 or 4 days before they will be able to see him, but thank God for moving in our favor, they allowed us to bring him in on the same day.(very uncommon) When they called him back to do the breathing test, they connected him to the machine and the computer screen showed a bowling ball and pins to encourage his breathing. He blowed in the machine several different times and was never able to touch a single pin, much less bowl a strike. The dr called us back and informed him that on his last visit, his lung functions were in the 90s, this time his best reading was in the 60s and his worst was in the 30s. She said he was 2pts from being classified in thesevere stage. They gave him some meds and scheduled him to come come back in 4weeks to check to see if he has improved. They didnt do any chest x-rays, but said he has bronchitis, and she said possibly even pneumonia. She told him he had her permission to feel awful, if he wanted to bc she understood that he should feel awful, but he shrugged her off an said he was fine. Believe me he isnt that tough, God just carries him. FBF I pray for my children daily, sometimes hour by hour. I pray for God to place a hedge of protection around them, for Him to keep His angels encamped around them, and I plead His blood over their lives. I thank Him often for being with them when I cant. God is able to reach places that we cant. I thank Him for being so mighty and merciful bc I am so undeserving. I felt the need to share this today. I hope it encourages someone. God bless!!! ( Oh and I forgot to mention, that the very next day, Cass text me and asked if he could go to football practice) I mean really...Lol #Godisawesome #Heisalwaysontime
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:41:28 +0000

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