"I would like to invite you to stop and try to imagine what life - TopicsExpress


"I would like to invite you to stop and try to imagine what life on Earth might be like if Science had actually fulfilled its mandate of explaining our reality and teaching us how to best respond to it. If science was actually a free exploration of Nature and drawing accurate conclusions, creating theories, testing those theories with no hidden agendas, what might it have accomplished up to now? Can you do it? Can you think of any area of life that could not be improved by having a truly scientific understanding and proposed response that was supported and implemented by the social/power structure? Oh, you think it has been done? Think again. Read the history of science and human social development. When you see how repeatedly the few individuals who had the right idea were marginalized and/or destroyed, if you have any firing neurons after being born into a humanity which has been genetically manipulated to less intelligence, you will immediately realize that the same conditions - only worse - prevail today: what the mainstream follows is almost always what is politically expedient to those in power, with only enough truth involved to patch over the obvious tears in the now disintegrating fabric of society. If true, free, intelligent science, supported and encouraged by all of society, had actually been the norm, not the exception, we would live in a world where our very existence was not a shame to the planet that gave us birth. We would have free, clean energy. We would not have a vast majority of human beings living in poverty. We would have no over-population problems. Health issues that dominate Western society and are bringing it to its knees would not be a problem because there would be plenty of nourishing food for all. There would be no wars because scientific anthropology and social psychology would have figured out what is the best of all possible forms of social structure that allows for the widest expression of human types to flourish in harmony. Children would not be medicated at ever younger ages because cognitive science would have established what is the best way to rear and educate them and couples would be able to attend classes on infant care and parenting that were actually effective. The best forms of education would be known so that the widest variety of options would be available to the varied human types and levels of intelligence and skill so that each individual would progress into a life of satisfaction doing what they really enjoy and which they are best at doing. Consciousness - and non-material spirit - would be understood and the proper reverence for Nature and the Cosmos would be a natural part of the lives of all. In short, humankind would know how to live in harmony not only with each other, but with the world in which they are born. All of this COULD be the conditions of a world where true Science is a valued part of society. It could have been our world."
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 01:40:22 +0000

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